Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton - Angelic Healing Systems-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Angelic Healing Systems


 With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage

When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for  PayPal invoice


20 Angel Essences Attunement  £20 Founders:Hari Andre Winarso & ArgandiniTitisariThe 20 Angel Essences Attunement creates a bridge between your life and that of the Angelic Realms, linking you into their web of light and higher consciousness. The Angels will work with you through their essence to help you bring the positive qualities that they embody deeper into your awareness, bringing transformation and higher awareness. Call on them for inspiration, illumination and guidance as you take these beautiful essences. The 20 Angel Essences Attunement consist of a single attunement to the following Angels:

The Angel Of Abundance - The Angel Of Beauty - The Angel Of Compassion - The Angel Of Determination - The Angel Of Forgiveness - The Angel Of Glory - The Angel Of Grace - The Angel Of Harmony - The Angel Of Hope - The Angel Of Joy - The Angel Of Love - The Angel Of Mercy - The Angel Of Patience - The Angel Of Peace - The Angel Of Purification - The Angel Of Strength - The Angel Of Tranquility - The Angel Of Transmutation - The Angel Of Truth - The Angel Of Wisdom.

Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment £15 Founder: Mariah WindsongAngelic Sealtiel Empowerment™ provides you with a strong link with Angelic Sealtiel who has been known as both a Saint and an Arch Angel. Angelic Sealtiel is an angel of prayer, intercession and cleansing powers. Sealtiel’s name means: "Prayer of God". Also known as St. Salaphiel, Salatheel, Salathiel, Sealthiel, Sealtiel, Selatiel  Angelic Sealtiel wants to help people directly and if you allow yourself to recline and relax when you call upon his energy, instead of always kneeling during prayer, you will perceive his communications easier. He sends you messages through the gap between wakefulness and sleep. There is a space that is between meditation without thought and lucid dreaming. It is a journey space where we are aware of what is happening and can interact consciously with the images, surroundings and feelings perceived therein.


Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing  £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. This system combines Divine Earth Energy with the energy of the Archangels to communicate and help heal animals. This attunement is helpful for domestic and wild animals alike combining the Divine Earth Energy and power of Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel to intervene and communicate with and heal animals. Divine Earth Energy is called forth to heal animals in body, mind, and spirit. Your connection with this energy will heighten your telepathic and empathic abilities to both, communicate with and heal animals. It will also connect you further with their senses so that you can assist them with many things. You will learn some reasons why animals become ill, and some information about the life path purpose of animals. It is recommended that you be a Reiki Master, or/and Kundalini Master to receive this attunement. However, this is only a suggestion. If you have some experience working with energy healing and other reiki systems, then you may still receive this attunement Some of the information in the manual is as follows:

Hands-on healing with Angels of the Earth Animal Healing - Healing with Visualization & Angels - Animal Chakras - Animal Chakra Clearing - Animal Clearing Auras - Animal Emotional Distress - Animal Psychic Surgery - Animal Healing Pain & Swollen Joints - Helping Animals to cross over - Finding lost Animals.

Colours of Angels Empowerment  £20 Founder: Stephen Lovering. Colours of Angels offers 7 connections with 7 Archangels and their respective Rays. These 7 connections are offered in one distance initiation that will connect you to each Archangel and you will then be able to call upon any or all of these Archangels whenever you wish. Angels never leave or ignore you and will listen to you whatever the time of day or night. As you are connected to each Archangelyou will also be connected to each Ray that the Archangel serves from and itsrespective colour. By simply visualising the colour of each Archangel that you have been connected to you will feel the connection strengthen. This is ideal for those who have difficulty visualising images as the simple task of visualising the colour is all that is required.

The Seven Archangels and Rays you will be connected to in one attunement session or chi ball are as follows:

  • Archangel Michael serves in the First Ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power.
  • Archangel Jophiel serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom.
  • Archangel Chamuel serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love.
  • Archangel Gabriel serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity.
  • Archangel Raphael serves on the Fifth Ray or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and Truth.
  • Archangel Uriel serves on the Sixth Ray or Gold Ray which is the Ray of Peace.
  • Archangel Zadkiel serves on the Seventh Ray or Violet Ray which is the Ray of Freedom.

Sapphires of Angels  £15 Founder: Stephen Lovering. Direct from the founder of the Colours of Angels comes this beautiful energy system called "The Sapphires of Angels" - Sapphire Encoding with the Energies of the Archangels Through this beautiful energy system Stephen Lovering was shown etheric sapphires during a very deep meditation. Stephen had always associated sapphires with the colour blue and Archangel Michael but during his connection with the angels, he was shown that there are also many other colours of sapphire and each colour connects with a specific Archangel. During your attunement to the Sapphires of Angels, an Etheric Sapphire is encoded into your Auric field which will permanently connect you with its energies, but also with the energies of the archangel associated with it.

The 7 sapphires that you will be connected to in one attunement session or chi ball are:

* Archangel Michaels Blue Sapphire spiritual truth and protection.

* Archangel Jophiels Yellow Sapphire spiritual abundance.
* Archangel Chamuels Pink Sapphire love and emotions.
* Archangel Gabriels White Sapphire higher spiritual consciousness.
* Archangel Raphaels Green Sapphire vision and compassion.
* Archangel Zadkiels Purple Sapphire awakening and calming.
* Archangel Uriel's Star Sapphire intuition.

Prerequisite; you must first be attuned to Colours of Angels.
