Free Distance Attunements 

When a person is attuned to a particular system of healing, such as Reiki, that person is then able to pass the link to that energy onto others. This in essence is attunement. It is like a radio station. If we take a radio it can receive any number of stations, but only if it is able to be tuned in and locked onto one station at a time. Universal energies are like stations, they are all streaming in their own energetic vibrational frequencies and each has to be isolated. It is very like downloading software from the internet. You not only need the computer, but also the website and the software would have to have been uploaded in the first place. Where attunements are concerned, first you need someone attuned to that particular system and then they need to make access to it available to you in order to pass it on.

Distance attunement works in the same way as distance healing. Energy is free flowing and understands no boundaries and limits, it is as easy to send energy over a distance as it is close at hand. I have worked over the internet for many years and in my personal experience have found distance work just as powerful and effective as in person. The energy I use is universal and comes not from inside me, but rather flows through me from the source.

Distance attunements are perfect for those who cannot reach teachers and masters in the physical, but who have access to the online world. They are equally good for those in communities, or social groups where this kind of energy work is not easily understood, or tolerated.

If you would like to receive any of these free attunements, please  email me and I will send it to you. Please be aware that all these free attunements are self-activating and so can be called in just as soon as you wish once you have the PDF file. You will also recieve a free distance attunement guide.

If this is the first time that you have worked with attunements or empowerments and do not feel confident in achieving the desired result. For a very small fee I will be happy to distance attune you personally at a time suitable to both of us. As these attunements in this section are all free I will be happy at this time to attune you to any of these one at a time for a fee of just £5. If you wish to take advantage of this offer please let me know and I will send you a paypal invoice.

If you are confident in your own abilities and wish to self attune there is of course no charge.


Above The Radar Reiki

Above the Radar Reiki is an intention-based energy that helps the recipient open the aura to receive positive attention and recognition. It helps release fears of being seen or noticed. Above the Radar Reiki is not just for shy people. It is also for those who have intentionally or unintentionally clipped their own wings to avoid standing out in a crowd. Staying below the radar may be a way to play safe, but it can hold you back when it comes to getting what you want in life. Above the Radar Reiki will help open the chakras and aura to allow the right kind of positive attention to bring gifts of love, prosperity, and success.

Dental Shakti System

This system is designed to help maintain good dental health. It is composed of three attunements. It is composed of three attunements. The first attunement is called “Dental Shakti” and it is for general cleaning and strengthening. The second attunement is called “Deep Dental Shakti”, it goes deeper into the less physical origins of dental issues. And the third is “Comfortably Numb” is used only for pain.

DNA Reiki

DNA Healing Reiki is a very simple system, consisting of one symbol, a DNA Helix. It is meant to improve physical health by fixing any errors in a person's DNA or spiritual (energetic) DNA.

This energy is intended to work especially well for those with chronic or degenerative illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS, and others. You can also use this energy to work on other health issues or to improve general health and well-being.

The idea is that degenerative, chronic illnesses, which are notoriously hard to cure using energy healing, are caused by an error or errors in the person's energetic blueprint (spiritual DNA). These errors can then be manifested and worsened in the physical body by contamination of the energetic system through an assault of negative energy on a person, or via a systematic draining of a person's life force energy due to psychic vampirisim.

Earth Energy Boost Empowerment

The Earth Energy Boost Empowerment is a simple energy that works as an immediate and gentle 'pick me up'. If you are familiar with the 'Rescue Remedy' flower essence, then you'll understand that the Earth Energy Boost can work in a similar fashion. It is something to use for fatugue, illness, or times of extreme stress. It can also be used during strenuous activity, to provide an extra 'boost'. It is not meant as an instant cure, but as an additional support.

Earth Star Grounding Attunement

This stream of energy will gently ground you. Excellent for those who may feel as if their 'head is in the clouds', light headed, or feel dissociated from the physical world. This is also useful to run after doing spiritual and  ritual work or deep meditations.

Allowing Abundance Attunement

The Allowing Abundance Attunement is a simple energetic healing meant to open up the recipient to letting the flow of abundance in. It works to gently clear any blocks or resistance a person might have to letting good into their lives. Sometimes, when a person is having financial issues, the problem is not that they aren't talented or capable. They may even be trying to think positively or affirm their wealth with gratitude practice. No amount of positive thinking, however, will work if a person believes they should not be happy deep down inside. We often get these feelings of unworthiness from growing up in dysfunctional family environments as well as past life issues. This attunement will not instantly solve financial problems but will empower the recipient to make better choices and move forward in their lives for increased abundance down the line. The more blocks a person has, the longer it takes, but don't give up – keep using the energy! It will make a difference!

Eclipse Energy Empowerment

This energy was received during the full lunar eclipse on February 20, 2008. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the moon and the sun, thus blocking the sun's light to the moon. Eclipses, in astrology, often portend big life changes, shifts, and challenges. While eclipses can often be described as "negative" (in that the energy can be disruptive, jarring, and difficult), ultimately the energy of an eclipse is supposed to "shake you up" for good reason. It is supposed to help you let go of old things that no longer work for you and move you into a new, better direction. (Not all eclipses are described as negative by astrologers; some are described as quite positive. The theme of change is the same.) The Eclipse Energy Empowerment is to help you let go of that which no longer serves you and bring the new and better into your life. It will do so in the best way for you. It will help make the change more gentle and palatable. If you use this energy during an eclipse, it will help smooth

Hands of Jesus Attunement

This attunement is not being offered as part of a ‘religious’ or evangelistic package. It is being offered to anyone who would like to have it and feels it is appropriate for them to accept according to their belief system.

Most of the great world religions respect the person that is Jesus. Even those who have no formal religious belief admire and respecthim. To some he is the Saviour of the World and the Son of God. To others he is a great Prophet and Teacher. To others still he is a moral inspiration. He has been called 'The Great Physician', a great hypnotherapist, a medium and a seer and even the first Reiki Master. It is for you to make your own choice as to who Jesus was and is.

Pain Management Empowerment

This is an easy and simple form to work with and call in at any day or time to use. This form was channelled in to be used with chronic and severe pain issues, such as Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and many other issues concerning chronic back pain, joint pain, pain from surgeries and much more. This energy, once you have been attuned, and called upon can be used to give relief to the pain within a very short amount of time, and to help with underlying issues contributing to your pain.

Shift Your Energy Empowerment

We have all heard this time and again, over and over about like attracts like, the rich get richer, poor get poorer, The Law of Attraction and so on as they all come back to the same thing – shifting our emotions and energy! This empowerment energy helps us do just that! When having a bad day, down moment, stress in your life, and feeling overwhelmed, etc call upon this energy. This one will help shift your energy and thinking into a more positive and good feeling thoughts, vibrations and energy levels.

The Flame Of Universal Love – St Germaine

This energy comes from St. Germaine, an ascended master. The Flame of Universal Love taps into the ultimate energy of creation: pure love. It is this universal, unconditional love that is the true nature of God. The very fabric of creation is a manifestation of this pure love. Alas, as human beings experience their lives, they forget the universal love from whence they originated. Wars, poverty, and violence all derive from an absence of love and a disconnect from the energy of universal love. The Flame of Universal Love is intended to reconnect humanity with the original, universal love energy. By using it on oneself or a client, the Flame of Universal Love helps light the path to love for everyone.  

Agape Reiki

Agape Reiki is a Greek word that has come to represent "unconditional love" in our modern times. It is a universal, spiritual love, a love that is divine in nature. Some say it is this love that is the true nature of God, of All That Is, is of the ultimate realisty. Agape Reiki is a simple energetic system that taps into the spirit of unconditional love. It is easy to use and at the same time highly effective.

Agape Reiki is good for opening the heart centre, helping ease heartbreak, and transmuting anger. Don't block the heartbreak or anger - if needed, allow it to be expressed and acknowledged while sending the Agape Reiki energy.


Balance Out Empowerment

This is a simple energy for an energy boost to call upon when you need to balance out things going on in your life- hectic day, running around, lots to do, seem lost or out of control, overwhelmed – you need to get things back into balance.

This energy will help give you a calm sense of energy boost – sounds like the exact opposite I know – but the energy boost actually calms down the chaos going on in and around your life at any given moment

You can also send this energy others for healing and balancing out their issues in their life, but only with permission, . This is good to use then you know they are going through a chaotic or hectic time in their life and they need things balanced out, slowed down and back in alignment.

The Orb of Life

The Orb of Life is an etheric energy ball with the size of a soccer ball. It consists of very concentrated, high frequency life force. The orb is not a physical object but made of pure energy. It acts as an antenna for life force and keeps on producing it. The Orb of Life was initially founded by Ole Gabrielsen who brought forward Kundalini Reiki.

It will provide you with high frequency life force 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also charge water and other items. It will automatically protect you from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is a useful aid in breaking up and clearing blocks. It will help you in healing sessions, both distance as well as hands on.

Orb of Life will last for a lifetime, it will never wear out. If you wish, it will always follow you wherever you go. You will also receive instruction on how to make your own Orbs to pass onto others. The orb of life is not a physical item but a spiritual energy that is transferred from me to you in a similar way to other energy healing attunements.

White Protection Energy Bubble

This powerful attunement will ensure you are fully protected while you go about your daily life or during ritual, healing or meditation work. It is an excellent defence against psychic vampires, or negative energy leeches. This attunement will protect all 7 major layers of your aura.

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