One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
One emailed certificate
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When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me
Azure Ray of Avalon£15Founder Joanna Mullane. "On this day I was blessed with a gift by one of my beloved Guides, Queen Argante, The Elven Queen of Avalon. I feel quite blessed to have a Faery Queen as one of my Spiritual Guides, she has expressed her presence throughout my entire life in many ways but it has just been within the last two years that I have truly heard her and been able to understand what she wants to convey to the world. Today, her message for me was as clear as day and so was the symbol she passed on to me for this beautiful new Reiki system. The symbol she gave came to my Third Eye Chakra upon a beautiful bright Azure Ray of Light that then filled my entire being with a beautiful cocoon of warmth and comfort. The World has truly entered a time of great change, healing and urgency, where people everywhere are being passed incredible tools of light to use and help guide ourselves and others, on our spiritual journeys. It is with my great honour and with Queen Argante’s Blessing, that I now share this new system with all of you."
Celtic Reiki 1 - 2 -3/Master£35Martyn Pentecost.Celtic Reiki is a variation of Usui Reiki, which uses vibrations of the earth and specific trees and shrubs in order to create an environment suitable for healing and manifestation. The Reiki energy mimics the frequency of various trees and plants so as to work in accordance with channelled and Celtic wisdom. As Celtic Reiki is an earth energy Reiki, it is channelled up through the base chakra, rather than down through the crown (Which is the case with Usui Reiki). This makes it similar in some ways to Kundalini Reiki, although Celtic Reiki does not act on the Kundalini. Instead, it produces results akin to traditional Usui Reiki, although these are influenced considerably by the energy techniques of the Celts. Forthe purposes of this Celtic Reiki course, the energies will be passed via three attunements. Each section will incorporate aspects of Reiki, Celtic wisdom and detailed instructions for use.
*The first will introduce the new energies and prepare the student for the later ones.
*The second attunement will work with manifestation energies
*The third with healing and master energies. In addition to the symbols and descriptions
Chakra Flower Essence Activation£15 Founder Jay Burrell. This system incorporates the energies of various Etheric Flowers including the more well-known Bach Flower Remedies. This allows you to tap into the Etheric qualities of Flowers to help Heal, Align and Balance the Chakra System as well as open Inner Doorways of your Soul in order for you to be taken straight to the Heart of an Illness or Health Issue to bring forth swift release of Negative Energies that may be stuck within the Chakra System. Each Flower has a unique Colour and Essence that Vibrationally corresponds with one or more of the 7 Chakras within the Spiritual Body. Through your Attunement, you will receive the Energetic Encoding to the following Flower Essences and also an added *Flower Essence to work with the restoration of Divine Harmony within each Chakra. You will also learn how to use the Chakra Flower Essence Activation Energies as well as how to create an Etheric Chakra Flower Essence Orb of Light where you can channel the above Flowers into the Etheric Orb for Personal Healing as well as giving the Orb to others.
Base Chakra: Cherry Plum – Letting Go.Clematis – Grounding & Earthing.Gorse – Integration of Joy and Sorrow.Pine – Taking Responsibility for your Life.Sweet Chestnut – Trusting the Self.* Comfrey Flower.
The Sacral Chakra: Crab Apple – Getting rid of what you cannot Digest.Elm – Creativity to Manifestation.Oak – Surrender.Vervain – Accepting Self and Others.Wild Rose – Taking part in Life, Fully and Joyfully.* Red Dead Nettle Flower.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Hornbeam – Being able to Achieve Personal Goals.Impatiens – Patience.Larch – Self Awareness.Scleranthus – Balance.Star of Bethlehem – Ability to act from Inner Joy.*Sage Flower.
The Heart Chakra: Heather – Unconditional Love.Holly – Free Flowing Love.Red Chestnut – The ability to Express True Love.Rock Rose – Overcoming Ego. *Passion Flower.
The Throat Chakra: Agrimony – Fusing Thinking and Feelings.Mustard – Trusting the Self.Wild Oat – Communicating from your Deepest Soul.Willow – Making Space for Creativity.*Calandine Flower.
The 3rd Eye Chakra: Beech – Tolerance.Chestnut Bud – Following Inner Guidance.Gentian – Acceptance.Olive – Trusting Cosmic Harmony and Guidance.Walnut – Listening to your Intuition & Divine Guidance.White Chestnut – Meditation and Serenity.* Nasturtium Flower.
The Crown Chakra: Beech – Tolerance.Chestnut Bud – Following Inner Guidance.Gentian – Acceptance.Olive – Trusting Cosmic Harmony and Guidance.Walnut – Listening to your Intuition & Divine Guidance.White Chestnut – Meditation and Serenity.* Daffodil.
Additional Flower Essences include:
* The Guru Chakra - Morning Glory Flower.
* The Higher Heart Chakra - Christ Thorn Flower.
* The Stellar Gateway Chakra - Mararita Flower.
* The Soul Star Chakra - Lloydia Flower.
* The Earth Star Chakra - Bougainvillea Flower.
Colors of Fairies Attunement£15Founder: Stewart Ferquaharson. This beautiful healing system initiates you into the energies of colours and the fairies. They prefer to be called other words than fairies since that meant originally their enchantments. Thus Fairy Land meant Enchanted Land. They are properly the Fays/Feys. This attunement assists with inner fairy sight and colour magic. Some of the fairies are Fairy Wad; Will o' Wisp; Lios Alfar who are the Elves of Light; Frey & Freyja Fertility Fays; Water Fays such as Well Guardians; Fire Fays such as Salamanders; Leprechauns; Greenman; Forest Man; Gnomes, Giants such as Daghda; Leanan Sidhe and many more.
Dragon Reiki Levels 1 & 2 £20Founders: Andrea Baginski & Shihan Chisara. This will help you to connect to Dragon energies. It is good for transformation, balance and wisdom.
Level 1: The Dragon Reiki I is channelled by Andrea Baginski The following is from the manual: “The different kinds of Dragons are consideredto have very different abilities. They are strong, cruel, courageous, helpful, intelligent, and wise, are in connection with magic, and are the keeper of secret knowledge and much more. “Dragons are the mightiest forces of the ethereal realms but are belonging to the fire element too. They are able to show up simultaneously in the elements of water, air, fire and earth. That’s why there exist Fire Dragons, Earth Dragons, Air Dragons and Water Dragons.” “Mighty in protection, perfection, super-ordinary vision, highest luck and with big power and strength are for the ones which are born under their power, blessed with their strength and under the protection of this power.”
Level 2: “Dragon Reiki II is channelled by, Shihan Chisara and is an extension to the Dragon Reiki. The following is from the manual: "After my attunement to Dragon Reiki Level 1, five new symbols were shown to me. It was revealed to me that they were to be used in a separate connection to special Dragons and their abilities. "These symbols make it possible to use these abilities of the Dragons more purposefully and effectively or to adjust or transform our own abilities which we dislike with the corresponding other Dragon power.”
Elemental Reiki£25Founder: Rebecca Doolin. Elemental Reiki employs symbols derived from Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology. The Reiki energy harmonizes with the frequency of The Goddess so as to work in accordance with Wiccan Tradition. This unique style of Reiki beautifully combines the healing energy of Reiki with the Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology and can be used for both healing purposes and connection with the elements. The Elemental Reiki course will guide you through the various frequencies of the energy symbols and techniques that you can use to improve and enrich your life. Learn about;
The Energy Body; Seven Chakras and Triple Soul - Aligning the Triple Souls - Rite of Unbinding - Chakra Balancing Meditation - White Light Meditation - Grounding and Centering Meditation - The Five Elements - Working with the symbols - Chakra Work - Room Cleansing - Aura Shielding - Working and Healing with Crystals
Elven Shamanic Healing System£25Founder: Violet Paille. Elven Shamanic Healing is a form of natural healing that comes to us from the Elven Realm. The Elvens are a society much like our own, of healers, scientists, herbologists, priests, teachers, and doctors. Their knowledge in these subjects is vast and always evolving. The Elven system uses 9 symbols to call upon different elements of their lifestyle in order to empower their healing and 5 additional Attunement symbols. From Violet Paille: "The attunement I received was another seven days later and during meditation. I was taken to a thick forest by two guides, one male and one female. They stopped at a clearing in the forest with only one large tree in the centre. They then brought down the symbols and infused them into my palms, my heart, my third eye and my crown. Both of them each did this once, using one of the master symbols to sweep my aura and cleanse my energy. They spoke the mantras in the Elven language and when they were finished, looked to the sky, and assumed a Namaste position. I was released from them and felt like I was floating back into my body. The meditation ended and I could intuitively see the symbols on my hands." There are 2 attunements to this system. The Elven Shamanic Healing Manual includes:
Elven History - Elven Gods - Symbols and Definitions - Healing Techniques - Herbal Techniques - Herbs and Their Uses - Receiving Attunements - Passing On Attunements
Enchanted Fairy Goddess Healing System£20Founder: Tracey Loper. ‘This healing system will work on an area of your Mythic Goddess Self. This is one of a series of the Mythic Goddess Aspects of Self. In this system, the focus is the Faery Goddess within you or your ‘Inner Faery’. The Faery symbolizes what is deeply embedded in your psyche, your Inner Faery, the Magical, Enchanting aspect of you that is unique and brings JOY to the world. This healing system is going to attune you to the great Magic and Enchantment of the loving and benevolent Faeries and Faery Goddesses so that you can recognize and ignite your Inner Fairy Magic. This will rekindle your sense of Magic and Imagination so that this aspect of you really begins to come to the surface in your life. This will greatly enrich your life! The energies of this healing system are very feminine. The enchanting energies within you to draw passion and romance into your life will be reawakened so that you can be inspired and empowered in this area of your life. This will enable you to draw a new love or reignite the passion in an existing relationship. There is also a unique clearing that you can run anytime to remove anything blocking you from allowing your Enchanting Fairy Goddess from emerging. The Inner Faery Goddess is confident and she prizes independence, is charming and engaging, charismatic and feminine and loves attention and being in the limelight of her true love or romantic interest. Perhaps you have lost this aspect of yourself and just need to reawaken it so that you can get the love, attention and limelight you need in your love life. It is easy to lose touch with this aspect of yourself when you walk between the worlds of romantic life and professional life as many of us do these days. Allow yourself to get excited about this aspect of your life so that you can experience all that it offers you and embrace each moment.
Energy & Magic of the Fairies£25Founders: Demetrius and Andrea Baginski. Prerequisite: Usui II, better if you are a Usui Master but is not absolutely necessary. Through this very special attunement, your channels will be opened to the world of Farey. The main activation will occur in the third eye, the heart and the root chakras. The symbols given to you will work as gate keys for various Fairy Functions. The Master Manual is 49 pages long and is filled with wonderful information on the different types of Fairies and what we can hope to learn from them! There are many differentkinds of fairies and they are all associated with certain elements and realms. The manual explains the different realms of the fairies and their correlating symbols. The manual has a lot of information about the different fairies; anyone that has an interest in fairies will enjoy the learning connection here.
The manual also contains: How to contact the Fairies - Treatments - The Attunement - Conclusion
Faery Reiki Avalon Attunement£10Founder: Violet Paille. Faery Reiki comes from the mystical land of Avalon, giving us an insight into the island of mysteries. The Faery folk lived in the forests of land in Avalon. It will explain to you the different kinds of Fae and how they can help you in your Reiki practice. This particular kind of Reiki will help you to connect and understand the Faeries more. It will explain to you the different kinds of Fae and how they can help you in your Reiki healing and spiritual development practice. The manual explains in great detail the symbols in Faery Reiki and the Fae themselves. It encompasses 5 faery symbols, plus an interdimensional transference symbol used to bring the energy from Avalon to Earth. The manual explains:
What Reiki is - Faery Lore - Elemental Faeries - Attraction Faeries - The Faery Garden - Dedicating a Faery Garden - History of Avalon - Symbols and Definitions of Faery Reiki - Faery Healing Process - Avalon Healing Cycle - Attunement Process for Faery Reiki
Fairy Lightworker Program£85Founder: Linda Colibert. Fairies are magical beings that are multidimensional. They can move in and through the physical realm. We live in the 3rd dimension, the physical realm. But in reality, everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are only illusions. These perceptions are how we communicate the information we receive in the physical realm to our true spiritual selves. Everything is energy and nothing is truly solid. The fairies know this and are able to merge with the things that appear to be solid in the physical realm. Their energies are lighter and their knowledge of quantum physics allows them to move in and out of different dimensions, which all co-exist at the same time in the same space. You do not have to know or understand quantum physics to know that Fairies do exist and that we rarely ever see them with our physical eyes. We sense them, feel their presence, and very often can communicate with them psychically through telepathy or visions. The Fairy Lightworker program will connect you to all fairies if you wish to call on them for assistance. However, this Reiki system strengthens and connects you to specific fairies so that you will be able to call on them easily for assistance with healing, abundance, magick, guidance, protection, fertility, transformation, transition, strength, love, happiness, and beauty. Please keep in mind that you do not have to receive an attunement to work with fairies, but the Fairy Lightworker program does speed your ascension for working in the otherworld of the fairies and strengthens and enhances your abilities to connect and work with the fairies and their energies.
You will receive 11 separate distant attunements that can either be received via the chi ball (call-in) method or by pre-arranged appointments. You will receive full feedback on my experiences as I connect with each level.You will learn about the following fairies and ways to work with them, and which fairies to call on for assistance with specific areas of need:
The Greenman - Dryad- Woodland Nymph- Gnomes- Sylph- Star Fairy- Stone Fairy- Pixie- Ice Fairy- Water Sprite- River Queen Coventina
Phoenix Rising Reiki£15Founder: Linda C Colibert.The Phoenix represents Rising above life’s challenges and circumstances whether this is Financial, Relationships, Health etc. This beautiful bird of Myth and Magic is generally seen in the colours of red, golden yellow, and sometimes the Phoenix will have a slight tint of orange in its plumage. Since ancient times, the Phoenix has been considered a sunbird. Associated with the sun Gods, the Phoenix will catch fire at the end of its life only to return rising from the Ashes being reborn again to fly to the sun. Therefore, the Phoenix is a bird that comes from the power of the Sun, fire and air, and represents purification as well asrebirth and transformation. The Phoenix Rising Reiki system works with these colours and the elements for visualization in focusing or directing the energies to clear negativity and infuse courage, strength, endurance, and rising above life’s challenges. The Phoenix Rising attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed. Through the Attunement, these Negative Thought Patterns are released to be transformed into positive energies. By letting go of these negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow the positive things that the Universe has for us to come into us.
Raku Kei Reiki£15Founder: Holli Blackwell. Raku Kei is the ancient science of self-development and self-improvement and it is believed that Raku Kei originated in Tibet. Raku Kei Reiki encompasses the energies of the Fire Dragon and is often been called "The Way of the Fire Dragon". The Raku is the vertical energy flow within the body, while the Kei energy flows horizontally. The two cross at the 'Hara' or solar plexus centre. In the Samurai ritual of 'Hara Kiri' it is this centre which the Samurai warrior would cut out, effectively cutting out the 'centre of his being'. The cross formed by the Raku and Kei energy is the cross that represents the four Cardinal Points and four elements. For centuries the Eastern belief systems have linked the dragon to the 'airy' or mental aspect of our nature. Mastering the Dragon energy is mastering the mind. The Chinese use the expression 'chasing the dragon' in opium smoking because dragons have always provoked fear in the weak-minded, but have inspired leaders and countries to adopt the symbol of the dragon as a powerful symbol of strength and fortitude. Speculation is that St George, the Patron Saint of England, most famous for his dragon-slaying, was actually conquering his own mental fears towards inner enlightenment.
Dragons have always been linked to having fiery breath by which they overcome their adversaries. It is this breath, with the fire being supplied by the RAKU energy that blasts away obstacles to a clear mind, thereby bringing understanding to the student and presenting a clear channel for the attunement to take place. The seven major chakra points, the seven colours of the rainbow and the seven notes of the musical scale are all connected and balanced harmoniously with the various Raku Kei symbols to create a powerful healing and development key. It is necessary that you be an attuned and certified Usui Reiki Master to take this attunement which is offered as 1 integrated Master Level. Included in this course are:
History of Raku Kei Reiki - The Sacred Secret of Reiki - Kidney Breathing - The Breath of the Fire Dragon - Raku Kei Symbols - Master Symbol - Raku Kei Kanji Mudras - Antahkarana Information and Meditation - The Seven Layer Auric Body System - Chart of the Seven Chakras - Initiation by way of HA-AHI-WAI - The Water Ceremony - The Raku Kei Affirmation
Shadow Phoenix - Black Phoenix of Protection £15Founder: Linda Colibert.This energy connects you to the spirit of the phoenix as protector and to a universal creative source. The Spirit of the Phoenix is known for rising above obstacles. This spirit energy will help you release, personal empowerment and powerful protection.The Shadow Phoenix, another aspect of the well-known Phoenix will keep an eye out for anything that may block your energies or bring harm. Once you have connected to the energies of the Shadow Phoenix, an inner alarm system will alert you in time to lessen the effects of a situation or issue of negative energy to help you prevent any harmful effects.
The release that takes place with this attunement does not cause ill side effects. It brings in energies of joy, confidence and strength. The personal empowerment of knowing you can achieve anything you set your intention to comes in with a strong yet soothing energy that builds to help you stand in your own power against all challenges. You can achieve success and you can be true to yourself with honour and joy. The Shadow Phoenix watches over your heart, your dreams, your passions, your creativity and your joy. It keeps your positive desires well focused as you rise above those who would weigh you down or prevent your success. The Black Phoenix will protect you and your dreams of future happiness as it stops the negative energies from attaching and interfering with your soul purpose and life path.
Unicorn Energy Healing System£15Founder: Jay Burrell. The Unicorn healing system will introduce you to the secret and unique energies of the Mystical Unicorns. Unicorns have been with us since Man first walked on the Earth, Cave paintings all over the world show horse-like creatures with a horn protruding from the front of their forehead. Most people think of Unicorns as fantasy creatures and magical creatures only found in children’s fairy tales, but they are real! The Unicorns are coming to us now during this time of great difficulty in our world to teach and show us the gift of unconditional Love and the Power of Healing through their Energies and the Energies of the Unicorns Horn. The unicorns live here among us right now but just vibrate at a higher frequency than we do, this is why you will only see unicorns and other astral beings occasionally when the veil between the worlds is very thin. Asking to meet your very own unicorn friend during meditation is also a very good way to raise your energy to that of theirs and to meet and receive the knowledge and energies from them. Unicorns also guard the Realms of the Fairies and will take you there if you are ready for the experience. The unicorn is symbolizing all the good and pure characteristics many people wish to have. Unicorns are truly mystical creatures; they symbolize innocence, Clarity, Purity, Love and goodness of the heart. By contact with this noble being, a human can experience healing of his soul. We should learn again to hear and to see with our hearts and Mind.