Good Vibes Holistic Therapies - Raine Hilton -Shamanic Healing Systems-Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

Shamanic Healing Systems


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage

When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for  PayPal invoice

Activation of the Labyrinth  £10 Founder:Lisa 'Ladywolf' Center. First let me explain: The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own centre and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. The labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. We can walk it. It is a metaphor for life's journey. It is a symbol that creates a sacred space and place and takes us out of our ego to "That Which Is Within." Labyrinths and mazes have often been confused. When most people hear of a labyrinth they think of a maze. A labyrinth is not a maze. A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists, turns, and blind alleys. It is a left brain task that requires logical, sequential, analytical activity to find the correct path into the maze and out. A labyrinth has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the centre and out again. A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the centre. With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path. At its most basic level the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the centre of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you. The Activation to the Labyrinth will learn the history of and the types of labyrinths.  Then begin your activation and enjoy your journey

Activation of the Medicine Wheel £10 Founder: Lisa 'Ladywolf' Center.The circle of life is reflected throughout Nature; the Moon, the Sun and Mother Earth.  There have been ‘circles’ found all over the world. These have been describes as;

  • Vortexes where healing energy can be given and received

  • Maps to the heavens through representation of the Moon and Sun

The Native Nations of North America created many wheels that are still present today. It is said that if you follow the Sacred Hoop and consider the lessons you learn there, it will change you. It is the Medicine Wheel that connects us to ourselves and the rest of the Universe. Medicine in this text refers to anything that promotes harmony in our earthly walk. Some people see disease as nothing more than disharmony in our earthly walk. Some people see disease as nothing more than disharmony within the soul of the person. The true meaning of medicine as it is used in this case is nothing more than spiritual energy .For example, when you become attuned to the Medicine of Coyote, You will call the spiritual energy of Coyote to you. When you walk the wheel you call the energy of the Creator, your totems, the Stone people, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and more to you.

Activation of the Shaman £10 Founder: Lisa 'Ladywolf' Center. Shamanism is not religion specific. Shamans do not worship nature rather respect and honour her with gifts and behaviour. The energies of this attunement connect you to the Shaman within. It activates the inner discovery, wisdom, and spirit for empowerment and healing. The Shaman is a lifetime student, always learning, growing, and gaining wisdom. Wise in the ways of spirit communications and healing, the Shaman within you can guide you on your spiritual journey in this world. The principals of core shamanism are: 

1) You are called to be a healer rather than choosing that path on your own

2) Shamans have the ability to function in both worlds

3) There is a shared concept of the other world

4) They have access to the spirit world via an altered state of consciousness

5) They all have sacred objects

6) They all feel that they have a responsibility to the community in which they live


Ama Deus Shamanic Healing £25 Founder: Alberto Aguas. Ama Deus (pronounced “amma – day – uss”) is an ancient, energy-based system of natural healing. Ama Deus means “I love God”. This beautiful system combines the unconditional love of The Divine Source with a series of ancient multi-dimensional symbols that are vehicles for the transmission of this exceptional Shamanic based Vibrational Energy. The Ama Deus Shamanic Healing energy and symbols are designed for much more specialized uses and actions than those of Reiki and some other Vibrational Energy Modalities. Ama Deus Shamanic Healing provides an excellent vehicle for sending energy over long distances complimenting and extending other methods of Vibrational Energy work. As with all Vibrational Energy/Medicine modalities, Ama Deus Shamanic Healing works through the Heart Chakra with the practitioner acting as a channel for Divine LOVE utilising Shamanic Energy techniques. Ama Deus is a simple, powerful and ancient system. It can be learned in a few days – but takes a lifetime to master.  Ama Deus Shamanic Healing can used for many issues including: 

  • Healing for self and others
  • Distance Healing
  • Healing for emergencies
  • Healing for animals, birds and plants
  • Healing for Mother Earth
  • Assisting those nearing their transition from the Earthly plane
  • Assisting departed Souls during their transition back to Spiritual Beingness
  • Purification of food, water, medicines, etc
  • Physical and emotional healing of the heart
  • Recollection of past lives
  • Journeying to YOUR Akashic Records
  • Supporting World Leaders
  • Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
  • Receiving a spiritual gift on your birthday
  • Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
  • Supporting world leaders in making important decisions
  • Healing the Earth
  • Exorcism
  • Psychic protection/self-defence
  • Dispelling negative energy
  • Cleansing/protecting your home
  • Physical Healing
  • Emotional Healing
  • Gaining insight and wisdom through dreams
  • Improving mental clarity
  • Reconciling the spirit
  • Sealing the aura
  • Cleansing, empowering and programming crystals

Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing £15 Founder: Linda C. Colibert. This system combines Divine Earth Energy with the energy of the Archangels to communicate and help heal animals. This attunement is helpful for domestic and wild animals alike combining the Divine Earth Energy and power of Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel to intervene and communicate with and heal animals. Divine Earth Energy is called forth to heal animals in body, mind, and spirit. Your connection with this energy will heighten your telepathic and empathic abilities to both, communicate with and heal animals. It will also connect you further with their senses so that you can assist them with many things. You will learn some reasons why animals become ill, and some information about the life path purpose of animals. Some of the information in the manual is as follows:  Hands on healing with Angels of the Earth Animal Healing - Healing with Visualisation & Angels - Animal Chakras - Animal Chakra Clearing - Animal Clearing Auras - Animal Emotional Distress - Animal Psychic Surgery - Animal Healing Pain & Swollen Joints - Helping Animals to cross over - Finding lost Animals. It is recommended that you be a Reiki Master, or/and Kundalini Master to receive this attunement. However, this is only a suggestion. If you have some experience working with energy healing and other reiki systems, then you may still receive this attunement

Animal Empowerments  £25

Founder: Catherine Hand. Animals are always so willing to help us in any way they can. They are non-judgemental, loving and completely honest every moment of their lives. Each animal, whether, mammal, bird, fish, insect or reptile brings wisdom to you in their own unique way. They help you to go within and discover your true self and they always have a message for you. These creatures are just as much a part of the Universal Source as you and I and have much love and knowledge to pass on. All we need to do is be still, be aware and listen. Explore, attune and learn to work with 9 different creatures. You will be attuned to all 9 creatures in a single attunement session or chi ball. Contents include: 

Bat Empowerment - Dragonfly Medicine - Great Horned Owl Empowerment - Butterfly Empowerment - Dolphin Breath Initiation - Spider Medicine Empowerment - Jaguar Initiation - Dragon Empowerment - Crow Empowerment

Animal Path Healing  £15

Founder: Lisa Center, This system was written for those who want a closer walk with animals wherever we may encounter then in our daily lives. We often begin to understand ourselves better through astrology which is based on animals. There are countless legends and myths telling of the magic and strength of them.  Healers and Shamans have always recognised and established a strong relationship with their animal brothers. Tribes have called upon specific ones for protection, blessing, deeper understanding and empowerment. We can take on the strength and nobility of a lion, endure and be sure footed through rocky ground as a mountain goat, or call in the fox for when we need to cleverly blend in with our surroundings and many more besides. This system contain 3 symbols to work with, information on animal totems, birth totems, clan totems, power totems, life theme totems, life mission totem, lesson totem and shadow totem. You will receive 1 attunement and 1 healing meditation.

Bear Reiki  £15

Founder: Korey Long. Bear Reiki is second in a series of animal totem Reiki courses, Tiger Reiki being the first. Bear Reiki gives insight, brings in new energies and is loving and protective. Bear is an important totem or power animal for many who are mystics as well as shamans and seers and can greatly help you in your spiritual path and healing sessions. Bear is believed to be the one who helps in introspection in many Native American tribes. This energy can be used alone or combined with other streams of energies. Bear Reiki brings in new energies and is loving and protective. In this totem animal Reiki system, you will learn about the different types of bears and how to access various types of bear energy in your healings. You will also connect with the Celestial Bears to help you on your healing journey. The Bear hibernates in the winter. Hibernation is not just a time of sleep but a time of gestation prior to rebirth. In this way, the bear symbolizes those periods in our lives where we go within for answers. Once we take the time to explore our inner knowing, we will wake up in the springtime of our life cycle, stronger and wiser. Bear Reiki was originally channelled by Korey Long. The original energy was used by intent only but symbols have been added to this new version of Bear Reiki with a manual and certified certificate.

The Bear animal totem symbolizes many positive qualities including:

Physical Strength - Health - Fortitude - Healing Powers - Introspection - Intuition - Seeking Your Truth - Grounding

Black Elk Shamanic Healing System  £25

Founder: Dean Kingett. This powerful Shamanic healing system brings you ethereal tools to work with from the spirit world.   These tools will assist you with your healing work and include a Shamanic rattle and wand.   It will also help you to open a vortex to help clear negative energy from people, places and properties. Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others. There are no pre-requisites to this attunement.

Crossing Over Brigade Initiation£30 Mariah Windsong. This system provides you with the authority and privilege of calling upon this troop of sacred gatekeepers and escorts for anyone who needs their assistance. If in the course of your daily life or night work, you have ever helped people cross over from this reality to the heavenly realms, this initiation is for you. Crossing Over Brigade Initiation is especially useful with those people who either don't believe in life after death, or aren't scared that that won't arrive into a good place. These people are often unwilling to go onward. The Crossing Over Brigade are highly persuasive in a loving manner. Each culture has their own affiliation with certain beings who provide this service. The Crossing Over Brigade will be comprised of the beings who are familiar to the person, based on their current life beliefs, genetic and soul lineage. As you can imagine, quite a group of beings arrive in the brigade to assist the one who is crossing over. If an angel is not a being who the person who you are calling the brigade for would feel an affiliation with, the ones who the person does trust spiritually would arrive.

Dream Voyage of the Swan £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. Dream Voyage of the Swan connects you to the Spirit of the Swan and guides you on a dream voyage spirit journey. The Swan is connected to the mysteries, to the otherworld, to the faery realm, and to the gateways of passage. The Swan helps you with grace, with intuition, and with discovering the hidden talents and desires within. Working with the energies of Dream Voyage of the Swan, helps develop your intuition, your psychic abilities, and perception of things physical and beyond. It also brings the Swan into your life as an animal spirit guide. Call on the Swan to guide you in your dreams and to show you what needs to be revealed to you. Ask the Swan to give you insights and to enhance your intuition. Ask the Swan to reveal to you information to help you solve problems or issues you are dealing with.

Dynamic Sacred Space  £15 Founder: Mariah Windsong. Dynamic Sacred Space is a Divine Hexoctahedron (48 triangular faces) structure you activate around your body when you want secure sacred space. This shape is often found on diamonds. It provides added security from astral onlookers and other less pure energetic interferences. This is particularly good for when sacred work or a large ritual/event is required and there is no time to protect the space and those within it properly. It is also wonderful for when you are in an unfamiliar physical location or a location that other people use also.It consists of these three attunements which are prepared and received in one session:
1. Ethereal Nickel Empowerment: Surface Protection, Catalyst
2. Ethereal Taenite Empowerment: An Hexoctahedron Nickel-Iron Meteor
3. Dynamic Sacred Space: Blends the energies, sets, strengthens, sanctifies, and secures the structure.

Gaja Reiki £10Founder: Eva NoreinThe word ‘Gaja’ means Elephant in Sanskrit. The Gaja Reiki is based on powerful and loving energies of The White Elephant, The Lotus flower and The Navratna jewel. These are the three symbols introduced in Gaja Reiki. Since the beginning of time, the elephant has been known for its power and strength. The elephant is the biggest animal on earth and has long life span; hence it possesses great knowledge and wisdom. White Elephant represents purity and peace. The White Elephant symbol has a white elephant with its trunk lifted. The lifted trunk signifies overcoming of obstacles and obstructions- emotional, physical and mental. It also represents pure unconditional love, power, passion, purity, light, happiness and love for family. You can meditate on The Elephant Symbol or visualize it in any difficult situation. The Lotus Flower symbolizes purity of heart and mind. It represents good luck, long life, good health and honor. It is also known as enhancer of spirituality. Meditating on Lotus symbol brings clear ideas, calms the mind and improves concentration. It cleanses, balances and strengthens the aura, aligns all the chakras which improves overall health and brings harmony. It can be visualized in any color for meditation. The Navratna symbol is also called as nine jewels of India. It is a combination of 9 jewels representing 9 planets. Wearing Navratna jewellery can cure and prevent many diseases. You will be attuned to Navratna jewel as Etheric Crystal. The nine jewels and planets are:

  • The Sun- Stone is Ruby (Stimulates basic instinct of survival, strengthens physical and emotional healing.
  • The Moon- Stone is Pearl (Balances hormones as per moon phases)
  • Mars- Stone is Red Coral (Brings love, prosperity, peace and strength)
  • Mercury- Stone is Emerald (Stone of love and romance, improves intuitions)
  • Jupiter- Stone is Yellow Sapphire (An all-rounder stone)
  • Venus- Stone is Diamond (Protection in extreme situation)
  • Saturn- Stone is Blue Sapphire (Brings determination, knowledge and wisdom)
  • Rahu- Stone is Hessonite (Brings self-respect and respect for others)
  • Ketu- Stone is Cat’s eye (This stone is for mind)


Hawaiian Goddess Trilogy £30 Founder: Lee Newman. Experience the powerful healing energies of 3 very powerful Hawaiian Goddesses.

Goddess Hi'iaka gained her powers as a Goddess from her Grandmother, Goddess PApa. She restores the dead to life and fends off dangerous creatures. Her psychic visions allow her to be adept in all forms of magic.

Goddess Haumea embodies the mystical Makalei tree, an abundant source of Hawaiian food supply. Her skill at childbirth is recounted in many stories; children sprang from different parts of her body validating her power of fertility. Haumea acts as Divine midwife to many human mothers, and her control of fertility extends to that of plants in the forest wilderness. Haumea was said to be continually reborn; therefore allowing her to continually mate with her offspring. Haumea was not immune to time, but she could transform herself into a young woman again when she grew old. Haumea symbolizes our ability to transcend physical age and remain young in spirit reminding us to care for the wild places.  

Goddess Pele was born as a flame in the mouth of her mother. She is very much an earth Goddess creating new land with every outpouring of lava. Goddess Pele was destined to become a Water Goddess, but when she discovered matches her fascination with fire took her in a new direction entirely. Like a Volcano's lava that creates new land, the Goddess Pele reminds us that, even fiery eruptions and emotional upheavals are followed by new life and change. Summon her to clear and purify all that is not needed. She challenges and assists us into bringing forth that which lies dormant in the very core of our being. This awakens us to use our gifts creatively and fully for all to experience. A passionate Goddess, Pele guides us to greater wisdom. She is the keeper of emotions and is always willing to share her "knowing" and lessons of transmutation to help us rebuild the landscapes of our lives. 

Hawaiian Trilogy Reiki £30 Founder Lee Newman. The Hawaiian Trinity Reiki Attunements consists of three separate modalities that were combined to give you the Hawaiian Trinity. The three attunements are as followsAloha Reiki - Kahuna Reiki - Uhane Nui

Aloha Reiki: Aloha means affection, love compassion, mercy and other sentiments of similar nature. It is used in Hawaii as a greeting of hello and goodbye. The Aloha Spirit Law is an important part of Hawaiian philosophy with the outline below. Aloha & Reiki - So you see it makes sense to combine Aloha and Reiki with one another because they are both about Universal Love. 

Aloha is a powerful instrument of healing assisting one with:
Unconditional Love - Peace & Serenity - Kindness - Humility - Patience - Spiritual Wisdom
The manual contains information about: You Upihipili or Inner child - Activating Aloha Reiki - Aloha Reiki Symbols - Aloha Blessings - Aloha Reiki Energy Lei - Aloha Reiki Attunement

Kahuna Reiki: In Kahuna Reiki you will work with the energy of Father Amakua also known as your Higher Self.Kahuna Reiki Assists with:

Bringing Clarity - Increasing Insight & Intuitive - Awareness - Emotional Healing - Connecting to Sacred Space - Listening to Spirit -The Amakua is connection with the divine and Kahuna Reiki will help you to strengthen that connection. The manual contains: Activating Kahuna Reiki - Kahuna Reiki Symbols - Kahuna Reiki Meditation - Techniques - Kahuna Reiki Attunement

Uhane Nui Reiki: Uhane Nui Reiki is all about recognizing the "Spirit Greatness" in each and every one of us. In Kahuna Reiki we work with energy of Amakua (higher self) to release and connect with spirit. In Uhane Nui Reiki we unleash beautiful spirit within us, to shine forth brightly. Uhane Nui Reiki allows us to integrate our consciousness with our spirit. Uhane Nui Reiki helps with:

Integration of Body, Mind, Soul - Alignment of ego and conscious mind with soul purpose - Finding and expressing our life purpose - Becoming Spiritually Aware and Empowered - Recognizing we are spiritual beings having a human experience - Increasing our sense of divine connection and awareness -Achieving the state of flow that comes from connection with Spirit - Uhane Nui Reiki will remind you that you are a child of God and Spirit in this human from to learn and grow.
The manual contains: Activating Uhane Nui Reiki - Symbols - Mahalos Practice - Uhane Nui Affirmations - Uhane Nui Breathing Techniques - Uhane Nui Drumming - Uhane Nui Reiki Attunement process

Himalayan Shaman Reiki £10 Founder: Stewart Farquharson. This simple system is a gentle introduction to shamanism and mindful meditation using the ideas common to Nepal and other Himalayan nations. This is a Reiki healing attunement for success, spiritual protection, powerful healing, and insight.

Journey of the Albatross Empowerment £10 Founder: Amanda Hadley. The Albatross has many gifts to share with us. These amazing birds are symbols of endurance, wisdom and freedom. The albatross as a power animal teaches us to use energy for our greatest good. The albatross uses the winds and thermals to soar high and glide, reserving its own energy for when it is most needed. It also teaches us to go gracefully with life’s ups and downs, to ride the thermals without fear or resistance. Albatross shows us that we need courage to follow our goals and that sometimes we need to leave the safety of the shoreline. It encourages us to look to the horizon, to new opportunities and possibilities, to be free and follow our instincts, to be without limits or constraints.

Munay Ki Rites levels 1-9 £150 Founder: Alberto Villoldo The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way. “Munay” means “I love you as you are”. The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous, the next step in our evolution. We are born with these aspects of our luminous energy field, but the momentum of our culture weakens and distorts them. The Munay-Ki reawakens and strengthens the new luminous architecture so that we can more effectively dream our new world into being and live our daily lives in the ways that we truly prefer.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in a transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The ninth rite, the “Creator Rite” was transmitted for the first time in the summer of 2006 at the Holy Mountains in the Andes. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. For a period of time, they could only be transmitted directly from spirit, the purely energetic worlds, to the few who lived with extraordinary dedication and sacrifice. Now, the rites can be transmitted from human to human as we approach this critical leap in our evolution.

The Nine Rites

The Foundation Rites:

1. Healer’s Rite

2. Bands of Power Rite

3. Harmony Rite

4. Seer’s Rite

The Lineage Rites:

1. Daykeeper’s Rite

2. Wisdomkeeper’s Rite

3. Earthkeeper’s Rite

The Rites to Come:

1. Starkeeper’s Rite

2. Creator Rite (aka Spiritkeeper’s Rite)

These Rites may be received a minimum of once per week, if you feel that you need longer in between that is fine too. You must complete 14 weeks of meditation with the Archetypes from the Harmony Rite before you can move on to the others. So you can see this course is for those who are serious about their shamanic studies and not for those who are after a quick fix before they move on to the next energy source. Even though I have been a shaman for many years these transformative energies taught me so much more about myself as I worked through them step by step. The more effort you put into your spiritual journey the greater the rewards.

This is a PDF course, you can find videos of the rites being performed on YouTube also. The Rites are offered for free. This however does not mean that my time is given for free. My fee covers nine attunement sessions with feedback on my experiences as I attune you, coaching through the whole process, and aftercare.

* The Founder of this system has asked that no Certificate be given for the Munay Ki Rites so there is no Lineage as such but you will receive a certificate of completion from Good Vibes Holistic Therapies stating that you have received the Rites from me. On request, I can also show you my own certificate of completion as proof of attunement.

1. Healers Rite: connects you to a lineage of shamans and Earthkeepers from the past who come and assist you in your personal healing. These luminous beings work on us during our meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of the past and of your ancestors. The energy of this rite also awakens your ability to assist others in their own healing. This rite also assists you to shift old behaviour patterns that you may have inherited from your parents or grandparents.

2. Bands of Power Rite: this consists of protections installed in your LEF. These five energetic bands represent earth, air, fire, water, and pure light. These bands are installed in your Luminous energy field, and act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any negative energies that come your way so that these energies can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill. The Bands of Power are always ‘on’, and negative energies bounce right off them. In a world filled with fear, the bands provide essential protection.

3. Harmony Rite: you receive seven different archetypes into each of your chakras. Into the first chakra, the archetype of the serpent; jaguar/puma into the second; hummingbird into the third; and eagle/condor into the fourth. Then, three “archangels” go into your upper three chakras - Huascar Inka, the keeper of the lower world, and the unconscious is transmitted into the fifth chakra; Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent God of the Americas, and keeper of the middle world (our waking world) goes into the sixth; and Pachakuti, the protector of the upper world (our super-conscious) and keeper of the time to come goes into the seventh chakra.

This transmission helps the recipient connect with the power of each archetype (the organizing principles of the universe) and their own energy centres. It is important to remember that these archetypes are transmitted into your chakras as seeds; these seeds germinate with fire, and you have to perform a number of brief fire (or candle) meditations to awaken them and help them grow. Afterward, they help combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras, so that your chakras can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body. This rite helps you to shed your past the way the serpent sheds her skin, all at once leaving the old behind. This rite is only given to recipients who are willing to do the work to grow the seeds of these archetypes.

4. Seer Rite: This rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras. This practice awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world. Many of the students find that after receiving the Seer rites, they’re able to perceive the world of energy and spirit around them with their physical eyes. It helps you to see and know, not only from your analytical mind but more importantly from your heart and intuitive perception.

5. Daykeeper Rite: The Daykeepers were the masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Daykeeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the world. This rite is an energetic transmission that connects you to a lineage of shamans from the past. According to lore, the Daykeepers call on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, made sure that humans were in harmony with mother earth, and honoured the ways of the feminine.

The Daykeepers were the midwives who attended births and deaths, as well as being the herbalists, or curanderas. They were generally women and were knowledgeable about the ways of the feminine earth. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.

6. Wisdomkeeper Rite: The legends say that the ancient wisdom resides in the high mountains. The ice-covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world, from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Fuji to Mt. Olympus, have been honoured as places where humans meet the divine. In the Andean Tradition, the mountains are referred to as apus, which means the spirit of the mountain. The lineage of Wisdomkeepers are medicine men and women from the past who defeated death and stepped outside of time. The job of the Wisdomkeeper is to protect the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate. This rite helps you to step outside of time and taste infinity.

7. Earthkeeper Rite: This rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. They’re reputed to have human form and be as tall as trees. The Earthkeepers, who are stewards of all life on the Earth, come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance to any situation. The rite of the Earthkeepers helps you learn the ways of the seer, and to dream the world into being.

8. Starkeeper Rite: This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change that is said will occur on or around the year 2012. According to lore, when you receive this rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous. The aging process is slowed down, and you become resistant to diseases you were once vulnerable to. When you receive these rites, you acquire stewardship of the time to come and all future generations.

9. Creator Rite: (aka the Spiritkeeper Rite). When you receive this initiation, you awaken the God-light within you and acquire stewardship for all of creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. There is a force within each of us that longs for expansion, to know and experience new and better things beyond our current awareness. You could even call it the spark of life within us – the fire, the inner creative force that activates this impulse. The Creator Rite ignites that spark, awakens that creative wisdom, so it can rise to its full potential. Perhaps you have felt that urge in your own life – maybe it starts at dissatisfaction with the status quo – a discomfort for life as it is. It can also feel like something is calling you, calling you out of your complacency, like an inner voice saying “isn’t there something more, something better?” When we recognise we can cocreate our lives rather than wait for life to happen, then a new energy source is unleashed and we begin to see life differently.

The transformational fire ceremony is a key practice of the Munay Ki. Bringing in the light and warmth of the fire germinates the seeds that have been received in the LEF (Luminous Energy Field). It is recommended that you work with this fire ceremony regularly throughout your time with this energy system.

Munay Ki Rites 13th Rite - Rite of the Womb £50

Founder: Marcela Lobos

The rite of the Womb is a very powerful loving energy transmission that will restore the natural balance of your creative centre. The Rite of the Womb is a blessing of the Womb, our sacred place of creation.

Many women are still carrying the pain and resentment of their mothers, grandmothers and female ancestors. Some feel the wounds of past life or had traumatic experiences in this lifetime that block their joy and happiness and prevent them from connecting with their feminine power. The healing energy of this blessing will reactivate your feminine power.

The feminine spirit of the jungle reminds us of this simple and vital truth:

The womb is not a place to store fear and pain;

The womb is to create and give birth to life.

This lineage of women, through the jungle medicine, has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb. Once you receive it, you share it with as many women as possible.

Let’s heal our womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs. And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.

The Rite of the Womb, 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki, is a contemporary ritual, birthed into being just last year by Marcela Lobos, a medicine woman initiated in the healing and spiritual traditions of the Amazon and the Andes. The Munay-Ki are a series of rituals brought to the West by Marcela’s husband, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, distilled from his work as a medical anthropologist with the high shamans of South America.

As Dr. Villoldo says, “Rites of passage and initiation have been practiced for millennia by all peoples in the Earth. The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. They are stripped of all trace of the indigenous cultures they come from. I did this to respect the native traditions, and to avoid the idea that persons from the West can become traditional shamans or Indians.”

Dr. Villoldo brought 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki out of the jungle, so why is this newest rite the 13th and not the 10th? Marcela explains, “before the Rite of the Womb there were nine Munay-Ki rites. Though the rite of the womb is the tenth rite to be given to us, it is a feminine rite and does not need to follow linearity. The lineage that passed this rite to us wants us to honour the thirteen moons of a year, which are connected to the cycles of the womb.”

If I had a hysterectomy can I receive this rite?

If your uterus was removed is even more important that you receive this rite.  Energetically you still have your womb and it is vital that you reconnect with it to reclaim your feminine wisdom and power. After you receive the rite it is fundamental that you nurture it every dark moon to heal any imprints of pain and sorrow and step into joy and compassion.

Can pregnant women receive the rite?

This rite is a blessing for the mother and the baby since it will inform both beings. Nevertheless it is important to give it with extra gentleness and reverence for life, and also to honour the intuition of the mother to be.

What about men?

All life comes from the womb of the Earth and all men come from a woman’s womb. It is just as important that men become womb keepers, as it is important for women.

The way men are womb keepers is by letting women know that they support their healing journey by becoming stewards of the Earth.

This rite is to heal the womb and occasionally there is a man that feels the need to heal his psychic womb. Sometimes these men had very traumatic experiences in their mother’s wombs or had a very dysfunctional relationship with the feminine aspect of life.

One Spirit Master/Teacher  £20 Founder: Diane Bellefeuille. One Spirit is a very powerful energy based Shamanic Healing System that uses your heart, unconditional love, and symbols. One Spirit takes you inside yourself, so that you can look deeper, beneath the surface and see your true self. Within you are Animal Totems that protect your chakras. There are animals with their own special abilities that guard each chakra- each chakra has its own animal guardian. The system is similar in that both Reiki and One Spirit teaches how to heal yourself and others, how to send energy distantly and remotely, and both Reiki and One Spirit works to heal body, mind and spirit. One Spirit also teaches you how to love and forgive yourself unconditionally and without judgement. The main difference between Reiki and One Spirit  is that One Spirit connects you to your animal guardians-animal totems and animal spirit guides and helps you to get to know them, how to heal and help each other, to work together toward specific goals, including healing yourself and Mother Earth. We are all connected. We all have One Mind, One Body, One Heart, One Spirit. We are One.

Paws and Butterflies £10  Founder: Stewert Farquharson. In the Amazon forest there are tribes who have mystical healers. They can see energy nobody else sees. They can see where the deer hides and the caiman lurks. They talk to the plants. To them their spirits appear and peek out from behind the trees. They can help a healer find an elusive remedy; for the spirit world is a misty and beautiful jungle where trees have magic, and water speaks.


Rainforest Reiki £15

Founder: Violete Paille. Rainforest Reiki uses the power of the animal kingdom to promote healing. The animal kingdom is filled with beautiful creatures that have become our familiars, our pets, our totem animals. We all feel deep connections to one animal. Rainforest Reiki allows us to use the collective energy from all the animals, or break it down to only one animal to promote healing on a physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional level. This course offers a look into totem animals, types of totems, Animal Symbology, Meditations, Healing Process, and Attunements.

Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence £15Founder: Rosemary Noel. Smudging is the burning of herbs or incense for cleansing, purification, protection of the physical and spiritual bodies, banishment of negative energies and the creation of a sacred space. The smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it releasing it to another space where it will be transformed into positive energy. What then is Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence? This is a technique to utilise the same energy of smudging without the actual burning of herbs or incense. This method is particularly effective for those with health issues that prevent them from burning herbs or incense in their homes. One of the most powerful uses of Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence is that it can be sent over distance to a person, place or situation. Smudging can be used in daily life for practical purposes: to restore physical, mental and emotional balance; to shield against negative energies; to cleanse yourself, your magickal tools, your sacred space and to restore balance and calm.


Shamanic Empowerment  £20 Founder: Johan Roelofse. The word shaman comes from the Tungus peoples from Siberia and can be translated as the ‘One who knows’ or the ‘Wise’.  The shaman has the ability to transcend normal limits of consciousness in order to come into direct contact with other realities.  The Shamanic Empowerment attunement course is an interesting introductory course to shamanism introducing you to the basic principles, rituals, and philosophies and providing 16 attunement meditation exercises that connect you with specific energies to help you along your shamanic journey. A shaman is one who walks between the worlds, a person who, through various practices, is able to visit realms of reality. A shaman is also a healer and protector of the community. Through various shamanic practices, shamans are able to heal physical and non-physical ailments, facilitate the resolution of community difficulties and foster greater respect amongst human beings for the sacredness of nature.

Shamanism is the study of the practices of the shaman and includes such aspects as healing, spiritual development, and magick. Becoming a shamanic practitioner takes many years of dedication and practice. This introductory course will show and teach you the basics and attune you toenergies to help you along your shamanic journey. The purpose of the attunements in this course is to connect you more strongly to the natural energies utilised by shamans and to prepare your physical body and energy system for shamanic work. This course delivers all 16 attunements in one combined attunement session or one multi-chi ball. You can accept each individually if you wish, and work with each one at your own pace.

1. Shamanic Template. 2. Lightbody. 3. Spiritual connection Shakti. 4. Space clearing Shakti. 5. Mind expansion Shakti. 6. Three worlds. 7. Universal Shaman. 8. Directions attunement. 9. Elemental powers. 10. Mother Earth / Father Sky.11. Sun / Moon attunement.12. Shamanic Light.13. Source Light the Light of Great Spirit.14. Joyful living attunement.15. Power animal attunement.16. Energy utility functions attunement.

Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki  £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki connects you to Spirit and your higher self so that you can discover the root of your problems and issues. The energies of this attunement help you to recognize the pieces of yourself that have been lost or given away and helping to heal these issues through retrieval of the pieces of yourself. In order to be truly happy, you must be whole and complete. When you regain the lost pieces of yourself, you also regain your self-esteem, your courage, and your self-confidence. Working with the energies of this system will help you to speed the healing of these important issues that are holding you back and blocking your happiness. In the manual, you will learn about Shamanic Soul Retrieval, a meditation to help you retrieve your own soul parts, how to help others and how to pass this attunement on to others. 

Shadow Self Empowerment£10 Founder: Jay Burrell This is a very empowering attunement which helps us to embrace and work with our Shadow Self rather than repress or reject that part of us which we can learn so much from and can actually help us in our day to day life.In Jay’s own words -‘When you have accepted that your Shadow Self is an integral part of your personality and is also a part of your true self, you will start to become aware of a much deeper and more meaningful connection with who you truly are. You will realise that the thing that you have kept in the shadows and hidden from the light is actually something that can greatly aid you on your spiritual path. One of the biggest steps that you can take on this day is to choose to live a more fully enlightened life by embracing this aspect of your being. As soon as you are no longer expending energy by working against yourself and hiding your dark side, you will find that more energy will be easily accessible for you to live in your own personal power. Just imagine all the energy that you can tap into to aid you with your healings and personal spiritual development. What would you do with it? When you learn to embrace all aspects of your being you will find that your life will reflect more light and love into all of your surroundings. You will also discover more acceptance and tolerance of others, since you will also be more loving towards yourself. As soon as this aspect is integrated into your personality, the old shadow self energy will be transformed, leaving you a brighter, loving and more centred person’.

Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment  £15

Founder: Linda Colibert. Then is no prerequisite for this system but a good knowledge of energy healing and meditation would be beneficial. The Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment connects you to your personal Spirit Steed to carry you and guide you on astral and spirit journeys. This opens your third eye and psychic centres, and helps to enhance your abilities. You will be guided through an astral meditation that knows no limits of time or distance, and also a spirit journey of discovery. You will be given information on how to use the energies to increase your psychic awareness, how to get guidance to help you with improving your life, and how to meet with (or connect with), those who have crossed over. Your Spirit Steed will carry you safely to the past, future, and other realms for guidance and wisdom to help you improve your life and heal yourself and issues that must be dealt with.

Stone Reiki  £15 Founder: Druid SavhbhniDaimhin. Stone Reiki is a wonderful system that uses the energy of the stones – not crystals. You will be able to connect to such sacred places as Stonehenge, Sedona as well asriver or garden stones. All stones have a consciousness and amazing healing and wisdom. This energy will bring in 5th dimensional level energy and help you to create new levels of awareness by working with the stone kingdom. You will also be attuned to the very powerful silver-platinum ray, as this is the ray that the stones work within their healing. *Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master 

Tiger Reiki  £15

Founder: Korey Long. Tiger Reiki system is a powerful system with two symbols and instructions on connecting with your Guardian Tiger. This is a beautiful system to increase courage and strength. Tiger Reiki was originally channelled by Kory Long and Stephanie Brail has expanded the system to include symbols and other practises to it. Symbolism; the tiger has an important role in several spiritual realms and mythology. The manual explains the 5 great tigers from Chinese mythology and many other tiger symbols and mythology from the past. In Chinese mythology and symbolism there are 5 tigers that serve guard to the universe against the forces of chaos. You'll also find out about the colour tigers and how they can help you in your healing sessions. Tiger Reiki is a perfect system for the cat lover and/or anyone who performs healing sessions on cats - the system works great on pets and humans! The manual explains: Activating Tiger Reiki - Symbols for Tiger Reiki - Working with Tiger Energy - Your Guardian Tiger - Working with cats - Attunement for Tiger Reiki

The 5 tigers in Chinese mythology are:

  • Red Tiger - Winter - North - Water
  • Black Tiger - Winter - North - Water
  • Blue Tiger - Spring - East - Fertility - Vegetation
  • White Tiger - Autumn - West - Metals - After Life
  • Yellow Tiger - Sun - Centre - Chinese Emperor

Totem Reiki £15 Founder: Stephanie Brail. Totem Reiki is based on the idea that we have a spiritual connection with a special animal “totem” who serves as a spirit guide and helper during our lifetimes. A totem is any natural or mythical animal to which you feel a close connection during your life or some particular period of your life. The energy of the totem animal speaks to you in some way that is relevant to your own personality or circumstance in life. Totem Reiki is different. The purpose of Totem Reiki is to connect you with your personal animal totem and then ask the animal totem to assist you in your healing sessions when you feel guided to do so. The totem is connected to your spirit, by getting to know your animal totem; you can gain insight and understanding of your own life circumstances more clearly, and share in the totem power or 'medicine'. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that will align to forces of the spiritual realm that are influencing your life.What we are specifically interested in, when it comes to totem animals and Reiki is the “specific kind of energy” that an animal totem can bring to your healing sessions. Much in the way a specific flower essence can work to heal a specific issue; certain animals have qualities that are naturally healing and uplifting to various conditions and emotional states. For example, the elephant can enhance the quality of loyalty, where the butterfly assists in transformation.

Western Red Cedar Smudge Energy  £12.50Founder: Mariah Windsong. This energy system is the essence of smoke from Western Red Cedar bark; also known as Thuja Plicata or Thuja Occidentalis. Smudging is the use of smoke for the sacred purposes of sanctifying objects clearing away negativity. This is perfect for people new to attunements. Western Red Cedar Smudge is effective without the physical cedar bark being burnt for sacred purifying of your energy fields spaces, and objects. Cedar Smudge is great for times when physical smoke is not allowed tobe burned or you simply don’t have Western Red Cedar supplies on hand. There is also the added benefit of being able to use it even if you or someone in the vicinity is allergic to cedar wood or has sensitivities to cedar smudge. The Western Red Cedar is held with highest respect for its healing and spiritual powers. It is the oils within the heartwood and the bark of the Western Red Cedar, when burned, and released into smoke, whose essence is Western Red Cedar Smudge. Smudge is smoke that has sacred intent to cleanse, purify and uplift the energies of a location, object or person.

Dolphin and Oceanic Energies

Aquamarine Dolphin Reiki £15 Founder: Carolynn Lloyd. Aquamarine is an emotional healing ray that connects you to the peaceful compassionate energy of the Dolphins. It restores balance and harmony very quickly, and due to its very gentle flow – it is suitable for all. Aqumarine will work with past, present and future emotional issues. It will also work with other healing modalities and Reiki forms, as well as crystals – particularly Aquamarine

Dolphins of Atlantis Healing System  £20 Founder: Carolynn Lloyd. The Dolphins of Atlantis have finally come to share this wonderful energy healing system with us. It will add a new untouched dimension to your healing work, and facilitate personal spiritual growth. It also brings an almost identical therapeutic and healing experience to that the Atlantean Dolphins gave to the Atlanteans. This system is best shared with advanced energy healers. The Dolphins of Atlantis Energy Healing Systems 40 page manual is packed with information and many new healing skills. These include:

  • Atlantean Dolphin Auric Hands-on and Distance Healing.

  • Atlantean Dolphin Crystal Healing Grids.

  • Dolphin Healing with Light.

  • Atlantean Dolphin Healing Bath.

  • Atlantean Dolphin Wisdom and Love Meditations.

  • Earth Healing with the Atlantean Dolphins.

  • Creating Etheric Larimar (for use in healing).

  • The Larimar Healing Energy  Ball.

  • Atlantean Dolphin Healing Breath.

  • Atlantean Dolphin Guided Meditations.


Dolphin Prism Empowerments  £50 Founder: Shirley Irene Ponto. The energy of the dolphins and the galactic encoding they hold for humanity is ready to come to the surface for a deep breath of fresh air. As we reach a higher state of being able to see and hear their fluid messages we come to a holding place of information. The dolphins are the keepers of this earthen place swimming about in the ethers and ley lines of earth looking with a keen eye for those who they recognize as the guardians. As with one who keeps the stories to pass down from generation to generation these Stellar Dolphins are at the point of passing their knowledge to those who will listen and then do something with that knowledge. Each person on Earth is united in body, mind, soul, and heart with the frequencies of at least two dolphin energies. These dolphins are very much alive. They mostly swim inter-dimensionally, but are completely yours for the thinking. They will swim into your heart when you need love, swim into your body when you need healing, swim into your soul when you need the company of the stars. They are as much a part of you as the oceans. The blue blood of your body has the same chemical composition as the mother ocean herself. Call to the dolphins to cleanse the debris of self and carry it to a port of call that will infuse it with a higher light. These Dolphin Empowerments are meantto indeed show you and help you to understand that love is the glue that holds all together. This includes a 50 page manual and 5 separate attunements.

  • 1 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Shangri-la Crystal Cave Empowerment
  • 2 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Rainbow Dolphin Dreams with Quan Yin
  • 3 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Rainbow Dolphins, Orcas, Belugas, Humpbacks Dreams with Mother Gaia
  • 4 Dolphin Prism Empowerment  - Dolphin Rainbow Sphere
  • 5 Dolphin Prism Empowerment  - Dolphin Golden Temple Empowerment

Dolphin Reiki Trilogy  £30 Founders: Shanti Johnson and Sheryl Carter. Dolphin Trilogy Reiki evolved from the healing system of Dolphin Reiki, which Mark Scott created. The dolphins and orcas shared this trilogy system with Shanti Johnson and Sheryl Carter. It comprises three systems, which are Dolphin Healing Reiki, Orca Empowerment Reiki and Dolphin Crystal Reiki:  

Dolphin Healing Reiki

This is the first level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. You will learn a Dolphin Healing Reiki breathing technique to centre yourself and help you connect with the dolphins. Using this technique regularly will help to circulate life force energy through your body efficiently, which will enable you to release lower energies from your cellular memory, reprogram your cells, open blocked energy pathways and increase your vitality. You will also learn a dolphin meditation, how to perform a Dolphin Healing Reiki treatment, how to perform distance healing and how to carry out the attunement process. You will be shown the Dolphin Healing Reiki symbol, which will help you in your personal and healing work.  

Orca Empowerment Reiki

This is the second level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. You will learn an Orca Empowerment Reiki breathing technique, an orca meditation, an empowerment technique, how to perform a healing treatment, how to perform distance healing and how to carry out the attunement process. You will also be shown the Orca Empowerment Symbol which you can use for your personal use and in your healing work.   The orca encourages us to heal by releasing our memories, taking deep breaths and communicating through sound.  Orca Empowerment Reiki can help you to activate and work with your soul star chakra and bring back lost soul pieces.  

Dolphin Crystal Reiki

 This is the third and final level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. The energy of the dolphins is combined with crystal energy to form a strong healing system which can heal on all levels.   You will learn about dolphin crystals, how to cleanse crystals, the Dolphin Crystal Reiki breathing technique, a Dolphin Crystal Reiki meditation, how to make a Dolphin Crystal Reiki Box, using Dolphin Crystal Reiki in a session and carrying out distance healing. You will be shown the Dolphin Crystal Reiki Symbol which you can use for personal use and when performing healing treatments.  

Once you have been attuned to this system, you will be able to use this energy for healing yourself and others. You will also be able to pass these attunements on to others.  

Dolphin White Wave Healing  £15 Founder: Caroline Lloyd. This is a new powerful tool for clearing away negative and stagnant energies that build up around us on a pretty regular basis. It is an energy that works quickly to break down and remove this unwanted residue from the physical and auric bodies, which if allowed to build up, can eventually manifest as disease or altered mood states. It is suitable for self and client healing, and can be used in a variety of ways such as room clearing and purifying the energy of an object. This is a combination of energy from Dolphins in our physical realm and those of the higher realm. The energy appears to be split into two frequencies, higher and low. The Earth Dolphins work specifically on the lower and heavier ‘earth’ energies that bother us so much on a daily basis for they are already familiar with the challenges here already! The Higher Dolphins therefore are better suited for working with the higher ‘spirit’ energies as they reside in those realms and have the advantage of ‘seeing the bigger picture’ with detachment. Their energy can be used for self healing as well as healing others. This includes learning techniques for;

 Auric Cleansing, Whole Body Treatment, Clearing Techniques such as: Situation Clearing, Room Cleansing, Water Cleanse. Incorporating crystals with Dolphin White Wave Healing energy, Room Crystal Cleanse, Client Crystal Healing, The Power Shower Meditation. 

Friends Of The Sea Empowerment  £10 Founder: Carol Ann Tessier. A single empowerment to this energy will connect you to the beautiful energy of all these sea amazing creatures, our oceanic teachers, which you can then work with individually or collectively as you wish. I really do recommend taking the time to journey with each one after your attunement, it is truly amazing the wisdom they have to share with us and a great way to meet and connect to your sea totem guide. You will be attuned to the energy and wisdom of: seahorse, orca, polar bear, dolphin/porpoise, sea eagle, turtle/tortoise, penguin, seal, gull, octopus/squid, crab, manatee/dugong, manta ray, jellyfish, whale, oyster, sea slug, eel, lobster, coral, barracuda, sand dollar, hermit crab, starfish, horseshoe crab, and sea fan. As a sea witch myself I find this to be one of my favourite sea connection energies. It also works well with my Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation Attunement

Ocean Breeze Empowerment  £10Founder: Elizabeth Ami. Wash away accumulated psychic debris with the Ocean Breeze Empowerment. This is a powerful cleansing energy for renewal and revitalisation. The breeze is peaceful, calm, and refreshing. The breeze washes away accumulated psychic debris we pick up each day. The empowerment enhances vision, understanding and mental clarity. Insights and inspirations present themselves as the psychic debris is gently washed away.

Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation  £10 Founders: Tineke Wijnker and Lisa Center. There was a time when we remembered the Goddesses of the waters of the Earth.  Though we do not speak of them much anymore they have remained constant and are ever present.  This initiation is a dedication to the Ocean Mother, the Goddesses connected to her and at its most powerful during the Full Moon.  You can call the energy to you by intention and it can be sent the same way.  The ocean may not represent or even suggest Goddess to you but the chaotic power and still serenity of this great body cannot be ignored.  Call that power to you and use it in your life to heal and nurture yourself and others. Great Mother Ocean teaches us to “go with the flow”.  The tides are controlled by the Moon, so honour the Moon’s influence in your life. The Goddesses included in this single initiation are:

  • Sedna (Inuit)
  • Aphrodite (Greek)
  • Yemaya (West African)
  • Oshun(West African
  • Saraswati (Indian
  • Tiamet(Sumerian

Turquoise Flame Attunement  £10 Founder: Birger “Lakalra” Kontek. The Turquoise energy ray stands for loving yourself. Turquoise stands for Atlantis and for the dolphins with their skill to communicate from one heart to another and their ability to confide in the depth of the ocean and to ride the waves exactly so, as they come and go. So, as the breath comes and goes. Turquoise expands the lungs in order that we can assimilate as much of the valuable life energy (or chi/prana) as possible, rebuild, to ride the waves of our lives. To resist against these waves that come and go anyway creates congestion in our energy field. So Turquoise Flame brings back the flow into our life and primarily into our emotions. The Turquoise ray is a channelled system given to us by the angel essence Amai. That means that the Turquoise Flame is not directed by one of the raised Masters, but is an Angelic energy which is made available to us additional to the twelve divine rays to carry into the new energy. This ray is especially closely connected to Lady Nada, Serapis Bey and Hilarion.

Guided Meditation To Meet Your Animal Guide

The following meditation will relax and open you to new ways of thought, and allow you access to insights that can inspire, motivate and guide you through your life journey.

1 Prepare your meditation area, you may wish to play relaxing music, none vocal is best as it is less distracting. You could burn some incense or essential oils, light candles; anything that will make your room feel relaxing, inviting and cosy. Turn off your phone; and make sure you won’t be disturbed.

You may prefer to meditate seated, or to lie down, either is fine as long as you are comfortable and not likely to fall asleep!

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, long slow deep breaths; feel your body growing heavier and more relaxed. With each breath you take feel yourself sinking further down into your couch, chair or bed.

As you breathe more deeply, feel yourself sinking further and further down, down through the ground, feeling and smelling all the roots of trees and plant caressing you on your way past, floating through underground streams and rivers, down ever down, until you reach the centre of the earth. Breathe deeply absorbing all the energy of Gaia, the very essence of life on this world, feel it flowing through your body, feel yourself becoming one with her.

2 As the Gaia energy pulsates through you, you begin to feel lighter and lighter. Now you are floating back up to the surface, lightly and gently as a bubble of air passes through water. You emerge in a clearing in a beautiful forest; the sunlight is gently streaming through the branches, you feel more alive and invigorated than ever before. As you walk through this clearing embrace all your senses, what can you see, hear, smell, feel or taste?

In front of you is a fallen tree, sit down and close your eyes, feel yourself relaxing further. Count slowly back from 10 – 0, with each breath you take and number you count you are becoming even more relaxed. When you reach 0, ask in your mind or out aloud for your animal spirit guide to make themselves known to you.

3 Count slowly to 3 and then open your eyes. When you open your eyes you could be anywhere; any country, any terrain. It could be day or night time. You could be swimming safely through the ocean, basking on the beach, walking through a jungle, or climbing a mountain, be open and expect the unexpected!

4 When your animal spirit appears, move towards it and greet it respectfully, as in these realms there are no communication barriers, you will be able to converse freely and easily. They may impart wisdom to you or take you on a journey. Over time and with further meditation and meetings, and the time is right they will shape-shift by merging with you. You will take on their shape, and will then be free to travel to many different realms and dimensions. This takes a high degree of trust, respect and unconditional love. When the journey is over you will return to the forest clearing, where you will both separate and be free to go your own ways again.

5 Thank your animal spirit guide and sit down on the fallen tree as before. Close your eyes, and slowly with each breath, count your way back from 0 – 10. With each breath you will feel more wide awake. When you reach 10 open your eyes. As soon as you feel able, write down everything you can remember about your meditation. As time goes by new insights will come to you, and any messages or teachings given may become more relevant at a later date.

6 Now your session has finished it is important to break state, close and ground yourself. You can do this by visualising all your chakras gently closing down to a normal size, and by visualising a large black cloak wrapping itself around you as a signal to the spiritual realms that you have finished working with them. If you don’t do this, you are at risk of leaving yourself open, and connected to other dimensions. You may continue to see and hear things, not good if you are trying to work or sleep! It can help to eating a light snack or go for a walk in the fresh air, anything that will ground you in the physical world.

Totem/Power Animal/Creature Empowerments


Fora personalised attunement either by chi ball or real time method there is a charge of just £7.99 per empowerment.

Many people are aware of the existence of spirit guides; often known as  guardian angels, but  are unaware that we also have an animal guide, also known as an animal totem too. Those of us who work with animal guides, find them useful for entering different realms and planes of existence during Shamanic workings and also meditation, that we would otherwise be unable to access by ourselves.

Animal spirit guides can appear in many shapes or forms. They each have their own unique way of imparting wisdom, to motivate and inspire us. Through meditation and when the time is right for you, you can also meet and learn to work with yours. You may already find yourself drawn to a particular animal; this could well be how they are making themselves known to you. If your totem animal is one which appears below then to learn more about your power animal/creature and to help strengthen your connection and aid communication you may find one of the following attunements listed below helpful.

Alpaca  - Ant - Armadillo - Bat - Bear - Black Panther -Buffalo - Butterfly – Butterfly Goddess - Chipmunk – Condors - Cosmic Dragon - Cougar – Coyote – Crab – Crocodile – Deer – Dog - Domestic Cat – Diamond Dolphin Vibration - Dolphin Spirit Energy - Dragonfly - Eagle - Eagle/Hawk/ Kite -Elephant - Elk - Flamingo – Fox – Frog - Frog Spirit and Toad Totem - Gannett - Great Blue Heron – Hawk - Heron and Egret - Honey Bee – Horse – Humming Bird - Jade Dragon Empowerment - Meerkat – Owl - Prairie Dog -  Puffin – Raccoon – Raven – Rhino – Salamander Elemental of Fire - Seagull – Snail – (Spirit of the) Snow Leopard - (Beauty of the) Swan - Swan – Turkey – Turtle –Undines Attunement - Unicorns Light - Vulture – White Elephant - White Tiger -  White Whale - White Wolf - Wolf – Yak – Zebra.

Power Animal Empowerment: A power animal is an important symbolic used by a person to get in touch with specific qualities found within an animal the person needs, connects with, or feels a deep affinity toward. Your Power Animal guide will be there for you as you learn how to travel through your spiritual and physical life. Animals are here to teach humans. They have many powerful lessons to give. Power Animal guides can help you get back to your roots, and reconnect with nature by reminding you that we are all interconnected. 
White Buffalo Woman Initiation: Learn about the White Buffalo Woman and follow the initiation instructions, smudging ceremony and meditation to work with her and to bring her blessings and guidance into your life.
