Good Vibes Holistic Therapies
Shamanic Healing Systems
With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:
- One in-depth guide to the system
- One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
- You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
- One emailed certificate
- Your lineage
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for PayPal invoice
Activation of the Labyrinth £10
Activation of the Medicine Wheel £10 Founder: Lisa '
Vortexes where healing energy can
be given and received
Maps to the heavens through representation of the Moon and Sun
The Native Nations of North America created many wheels that are still present today. It is said that if you follow the Sacred Hoop and consider the lessons you learn there, it will change you. It is the Medicine Wheel that connects us to ourselves and the rest of the Universe. Medicine in this text refers to anything that promotes harmony in our earthly walk. Some people see disease as nothing more than disharmony in our earthly walk. Some people see disease as nothing more than disharmony within the soul of the person. The true meaning of medicine as
Activation of the Shaman £10 Founder: Lisa '
2) Shamans
3) There is a shared concept of the other world
4) They have access to the spirit world via an altered state of consciousness
5) They all have sacred objects
6) They all feel
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing £25 Founder: Alberto Aguas. Ama Deus (pronounced amma
- Healing for self and others
- Distance Healing
- Healing for emergencies
- Healing for animals, birds and plants
- Healing for Mother Earth
- Assisting those nearing their transition from the Earthly plane
- Assisting departed Souls during their transition back to Spiritual Beingness
- Purification of food, water, medicines, etc
- Physical and emotional healing of the heart
- Recollection of past lives
- Journeying to YOUR Akashic Records
- Supporting World Leaders
- Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
- Receiving a spiritual gift on your birthday
- Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
- Supporting world leaders in making important decisions
- Healing the Earth
- Exorcism
- Psychic protection/self-defence
- Dispelling negative energy
- Cleansing/protecting your home
- Physical Healing
- Emotional Healing
- Gaining insight and wisdom through dreams
- Improving mental clarity
- Reconciling the spirit
- Sealing the aura
- Cleansing, empowering and programming crystals
Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing £15 Founder: Linda C. Colibert. This system combines Divine Earth Energy with the energy of the Archangels to communicate and help heal animals. This attunement is helpful for domestic and wild animals alike combining the Divine Earth Energy and power of Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel to intervene and communicate with and heal animals. Divine
Animal Empowerments £25
Founder: Catherine Hand. Animals are always so willing to help us in any way they can. They are non-judgemental, loving and
Bat Empowerment - Dragonfly Medicine - Great Horned Owl Empowerment - Butterfly Empowerment - Dolphin Breath Initiation - Spider Medicine Empowerment - Jaguar Initiation - Dragon Empowerment - Crow Empowerment
Animal Path Healing £15
Bear Reiki £15
Founder: Korey Long. Bear Reiki is second in a series of animal totem Reiki courses, Tiger Reiki being the first. Bear Reiki gives insight, brings in new energies and is loving and protective. Bear is an important totem or power animal for many who are mystics
The Bear animal totem symbolizes many positive qualities including:
Physical Strength - Health - Fortitude - Healing Powers - Introspection - Intuition - Seeking Your Truth - Grounding
Black Elk Shamanic Healing System £25
Founder: Dean
Crossing Over Brigade Initiation£30 Mariah Windsong. This system provides you with the authority and privilege of calling upon this troop of sacred gatekeepers and escorts for anyone who needs their assistance. If in the course of your daily life or night work, you have ever helped people cross over from this reality to the heavenly realms, this initiation is for you. Crossing Over Brigade Initiation is especially useful with those people who either don't believe in life after death, or aren't scared that that won't arrive into a good place. These people are often unwilling to go onward. The Crossing Over Brigade are highly persuasive in a loving manner. Each culture has their own affiliation with certain beings who provide this service. The Crossing Over Brigade will be comprised of the beings who are familiar to the person, based on their current life beliefs, genetic and soul lineage. As you can imagine, quite a group of beings arrive in the brigade to assist the one who is crossing over. If an angel is not a being who the person who you are calling the brigade for would feel an affiliation with, the ones who the person does trust spiritually would arrive.
Dream Voyage of the Swan £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. Dream Voyage of the Swan connects you to the Spirit of the Swan and guides you on a dream voyage spirit journey.
Dynamic Sacred Space £15 Founder: Mariah
1. Ethereal Nickel Empowerment: Surface Protection, Catalyst
2. Ethereal Taenite Empowerment:
3. Dynamic Sacred Space: Blends the energies, sets, strengthens, sanctifies, and secures the structure.
Gaja Reiki £10Founder: Eva
- The Sun- Stone is Ruby
( Stimulates basic instinct of survival, strengthens physical and emotional healing. - The Moon- Stone is Pearl (Balances hormones as per moon phases)
- Mars- Stone is Red Coral (Brings love, prosperity, peace and strength)
- Mercury- Stone is Emerald (Stone of love and romance, improves intuitions)
- Jupiter- Stone is Yellow Sapphire (An all-rounder stone)
- Venus- Stone is Diamond (Protection in
extreme situation) - Saturn- Stone is Blue Sapphire (Brings determination, knowledge and wisdom)
- Rahu- Stone is Hessonite (Brings self-respect and respect for others)
Ketu - Stone is Cats eye (This stone is for mind)
Hawaiian Goddess Trilogy £30 Founder: Lee Newman. Experience the powerful healing energies of 3
Goddess Pele was born as a flame in the mouth of her mother. She is very much an earth Goddess creating new land with every outpouring of lava.
Hawaiian Trilogy Reiki £30 Founder Lee Newman. The Hawaiian Trinity Reiki Attunements
Aloha Reiki: Aloha means affection,
Kahuna Reiki: In Kahuna Reiki you will work with the energy of Father
Bringing Clarity - Increasing Insight & Intuitive - Awareness - Emotional Healing - Connecting to Sacred Space - Listening to Spirit -The
Uhane Nui Reiki: Uhane Nui Reiki is all about recognizing the "Spirit Greatness" in
Himalayan Shaman Reiki £10 Founder: Stewart Farquharson. This simple system is a gentle introduction to shamanism and mindful meditation using the ideas common to Nepal and other Himalayan nations. This is a Reiki healing attunement for success, spiritual protection, powerful healing, and insight.
Journey of the Albatross Empowerment £10 Founder: Amanda Hadley. The Albatross has many gifts to share with us. These amazing birds are symbols of endurance, wisdom and freedom. The albatross as a power animal teaches us to use energy for our greatest good. The albatross uses the winds and thermals to soar high and glide, reserving its own energy for when it is most needed. It also teaches us to go gracefully with lifes ups and downs, to ride the thermals without fear or resistance. Albatross shows us that we need courage to follow our goals and that sometimes we need to leave the safety of the shoreline. It encourages us to look to the horizon, to new opportunities and possibilities, to be free and follow our instincts, to be without limits or constraints.
Munay Ki Rites levels 1-
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet
The Nine Rites
The Foundation Rites:
1. Healers Rite
2. Bands of Power Rite
3. Harmony Rite
4. Seers Rite
The Lineage Rites:
The Rites to Come:
2. Creator Rite (aka
* The Founder of this system has asked that
1. Healers Rite: connects you to a lineage of shamans and
2. Bands of Power Rite: this
3. Harmony Rite: you receive seven different archetypes into each of your chakras. Into the first chakra, the archetype of the
This transmission helps the recipient connect with the power of each archetype (the organizing principles of the universe) and their own energy centres. It is important to remember that
4. Seer Rite: This rite installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras. This practice awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world. Many of the students find that after receiving the Seer rites, theyre able to perceive the world of energy and spirit around them with their physical eyes. It helps you to see and know, not only from your analytical mind but
5. Daykeeper Rite: The Daykeepers were the masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Daykeeper
6. Wisdomkeeper Rite: The legends say that the ancient wisdom
9. Creator Rite: (aka the
The transformational fire ceremony is a key practice of the Munay Ki. Bringing in the light and warmth of the fire germinates the seeds that have
Munay Ki Rites 13th Rite - Rite of the Womb £50
Founder: Marcela Lobos
The rite of the Womb is a
Many women are still carrying the pain and resentment of their mothers, grandmothers and female ancestors. Some feel the wounds of past life or had traumatic experiences in this lifetime that block their joy and happiness and prevent them from connecting with their feminine power. The healing energy of this blessing will reactivate your feminine power.
The feminine spirit of the jungle reminds us of this simple and vital truth:
The womb is not a place to store fear and pain;
The womb is to create and give birth to life.
This lineage of women, through the jungle medicine, has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb. Once you receive it, you share it with as many women as possible.
Lets heal our womb; lets heal our mothers, sisters, and daughters wombs. And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.
The Rite of the Womb, 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki, is a contemporary ritual, birthed into being just last year by Marcela Lobos, a medicine woman
As Dr. Villoldo says, Rites of passage and initiation have
Dr. Villoldo brought 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki out of the jungle, so why is this newest rite the 13th and not the 10th? Marcela explains, before the Rite of the Womb there were nine Munay-Ki rites. Though the rite of the womb is the tenth rite to
If I had a hysterectomy can I receive this rite?
Can pregnant women receive the rite?
This rite is a blessing for the mother and the baby since it will inform both beings.
What about men?
All life comes from the womb of the Earth and all men come from a womans womb. It is just as important that men become womb keepers, as it is important for women.
The way men are womb keepers is by letting women know that they support their healing journey by becoming stewards of the Earth.
This rite is to heal the womb and occasionally there is a man that feels the need to heal his psychic womb. Sometimes these men had very traumatic experiences in their mothers wombs or had a very dysfunctional relationship with the feminine aspect of life.
One Spirit Master/Teacher £20 Founder: Diane Bellefeuille. One Spirit is a
Paws and Butterflies £10 Founder: Stewert Farquharson. In the Amazon forest there are tribes who have mystical healers. They can see energy nobody else sees. They can see where the deer hides and the caiman lurks. They talk to the plants. To them their spirits appear and peek out from behind the trees. They can help a healer find an elusive remedy; for the spirit world is a misty and beautiful jungle where trees have magic, and water speaks.
Rainforest Reiki £15
Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence £15Founder: Rosemary Noel. Smudging is the burning of herbs or incense for cleansing, purification, protection of the physical and spiritual bodies, banishment of negative energies and the creation of a sacred space. The smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it releasing it to another space where it will be transformed into positive energy. What then is Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence? This is a technique to utilise the same energy of smudging without the actual burning of herbs or incense. This method is particularly effective for those with health issues that prevent them from burning herbs or incense in their homes. One of the most powerful uses of Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence is that it can be sent over distance to a person, place or situation. Smudging can be used in daily life for practical purposes: to restore physical, mental and emotional balance; to shield against negative energies; to cleanse yourself, your magickal tools, your sacred space and to restore balance and calm.
Shamanic Empowerment £20 Founder: Johan Roelofse. The word shaman comes from the Tungus peoples from Siberia and can
Shamanism is the study of the practices of the shaman and includes such aspects as healing, spiritual development, and
1. Shamanic Template. 2. Lightbody. 3. Spiritual connection Shakti. 4. Space clearing Shakti. 5. Mind expansion Shakti. 6. Three worlds. 7. Universal Shaman. 8. Directions attunement. 9. Elemental powers. 10. Mother Earth / Father Sky.11. Sun / Moon attunement.12. Shamanic Light.13. Source Light the Light of Great Spirit.14. Joyful living attunement.15. Power animal attunement.16. Energy utility functions attunement.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki £15 Founder: Linda Colibert. Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki connects you to Spirit and your higher self so
Shadow Self Empowerment£10 Founder: Jay Burrell This is a very empowering attunement which helps us to embrace and work with our Shadow Self rather than repress or reject that part of us which we can learn so much from and can
Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment £15
Founder: Linda Colibert. Then is no prerequisite for this system but a good knowledge of energy healing and meditation would be beneficial. The Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment connects you to your personal Spirit Steed to carry you and guide you on astral and spirit journeys. This opens your third eye and psychic
Stone Reiki £15 Founder: Druid
Tiger Reiki £15
Founder: Korey Long. Tiger Reiki system is a powerful system with two symbols and instructions on connecting with your Guardian Tiger. This is a beautiful system to increase courage and strength.
The 5 tigers in Chinese mythology are:
- Red Tiger - Winter - North - Water
- Black Tiger - Winter - North - Water
- Blue Tiger - Spring - East - Fertility - Vegetation
- White Tiger - Autumn - West - Metals - After Life
- Yellow Tiger - Sun - Centre - Chinese Emperor
Totem Reiki £15 Founder: Stephanie Brail.
Western Red Cedar Smudge Energy £12.50Founder: Mariah
Dolphin and Oceanic Energies
Aquamarine Dolphin Reiki £15 Founder: Carolynn Lloyd. Aquamarine is an emotional healing ray that connects you to the
Dolphins of Atlantis Healing System £20 Founder: Carolynn Lloyd. The Dolphins of Atlantis have finally come to share this wonderful energy healing system with us. It will add a new untouched dimension to your healing
Atlantean Dolphin Auric Hands-on and Distance Healing.
Atlantean Dolphin Crystal Healing Grids.
Dolphin Healing with Light.
Atlantean Dolphin Healing Bath.
Atlantean Dolphin Wisdom and Love Meditations.
Earth Healing with the Atlantean Dolphins.
Creating Etheric Larimar (for
use in healing).The Larimar Healing Energy Ball.
Atlantean Dolphin Healing Breath.
Atlantean Dolphin Guided Meditations.
Dolphin Prism Empowerments £50 Founder: Shirley Irene Ponto. The energy of the dolphins and the galactic encoding they hold for humanity is ready to come to the surface for a deep breath of fresh air. As we reach a higher state of being able to see and hear their fluid
- 1 Dolphin Prism Empowerment -
Shangri-la Crystal Cave Empowerment - 2 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Rainbow Dolphin Dreams with Quan Yin
- 3 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Rainbow Dolphins, Orcas, Belugas, Humpbacks Dreams with Mother Gaia
- 4 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Dolphin Rainbow Sphere
- 5 Dolphin Prism Empowerment - Dolphin Golden Temple Empowerment
Dolphin Reiki Trilogy £30 Founders: Shanti Johnson and Sheryl Carter. Dolphin Trilogy Reiki evolved from the healing system of Dolphin Reiki, which Mark Scott created. The dolphins and orcas shared this trilogy system with Shanti Johnson and Sheryl Carter. It comprises three systems, which are Dolphin Healing Reiki, Orca Empowerment Reiki and Dolphin Crystal Reiki:
Dolphin Healing Reiki
This is the first level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. You will learn a Dolphin Healing Reiki breathing technique to centre yourself and help you connect with the dolphins. Using this technique regularly will help to circulate life force energy through your body efficiently, which will enable you to release lower energies from your cellular memory, reprogram your cells, open blocked energy pathways and increase your vitality. You will also learn a dolphin meditation, how to perform a Dolphin Healing Reiki treatment, how to perform distance healing and how to carry out the attunement process.
Orca Empowerment Reiki
This is the second level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki. You will learn an Orca Empowerment Reiki breathing technique, an orca meditation, an empowerment technique, how to perform a healing treatment, how to perform distance healing and how to carry out the attunement process.
Dolphin Crystal Reiki
This is the third and final level of Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
Once you have
Dolphin White Wave Healing £15 Founder: Caroline Lloyd. This is a new powerful tool for clearing away negative and stagnant energies that build up around us on a
Auric Cleansing, Whole Body Treatment, Clearing Techniques such
Ocean Breeze Empowerment £10Founder: Elizabeth Ami. Wash away accumulated psychic debris with the Ocean Breeze Empowerment. This is a powerful cleansing energy for renewal and revitalisation. The breeze is peaceful, calm, and refreshing. The breeze washes away accumulated psychic debris we pick up each day. The empowerment enhances vision, understanding and mental clarity. Insights and inspirations present themselves as the psychic debris
Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation £10 Founders: Tineke
Sedna (Inuit)- Aphrodite (Greek)
Yemaya (West African)Oshun ( West African- Saraswati
( Indian Tiamet ( Sumerian
Turquoise Flame Attunement £10 Founder: Birger
Guided Meditation To Meet Your Animal Guide
The following meditation will relax and open you
1 Prepare your meditation area, you may wish to play relaxing music, none vocal is best as it is less distracting. You could burn some incense or essential oils, light candles; anything that will make your room feel relaxing, inviting and cosy. Turn off your phone; and make sure you wont
You may prefer to meditate seated, or to lie down, either is fine as long as you are comfortable and not likely to fall asleep!
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, long slow deep breaths; feel your body growing heavier and more relaxed. With each breath you take feel yourself sinking further down into your couch, chair or bed.
As you breathe more deeply, feel yourself sinking further and further down, down through the ground, feeling and smelling all the roots of trees and plant caressing you on your way past, floating through underground streams and rivers, down ever down, until you reach the centre of the earth. Breathe deeply absorbing all the energy of Gaia, the very essence of life on this world, feel it flowing through your body, feel yourself becoming one with her.
2 As the Gaia energy pulsates through you, you
In front of you is a fallen tree, sit down and close your eyes, feel yourself relaxing further. Count slowly back
3 Count slowly to 3 and then open your eyes. When you open your
4 When your animal spirit appears, move towards it and greet it respectfully, as in these realms there are no communication barriers, you will
5 Thank your animal spirit guide and sit down on the fallen tree as before. Close your eyes, and slowly with each breath, count your way back
6 Now your session has finished it is important to break state, close and ground yourself. You can do this by visualising all your chakras gently closing down to a normal size, and by visualising a large black cloak wrapping itself around you as a signal to the spiritual realms that you have finished working with them. If you dont do this, you are at risk of leaving yourself open, and connected to other dimensions. You may continue to see and hear things, not good if you are trying to work or sleep! It can help to eating a light snack or go for a walk in the fresh air, anything that will ground you in the physical world.
Totem/Power Animal/Creature Empowerments
Fora personalised attunement either by chi ball or real time method there is a charge of just £7.99 per empowerment.
Many people
Animal spirit guides can appear in many shapes or forms. They each have their own unique way of imparting wisdom, to motivate and inspire us. Through meditation and when the time is right for you, you can also meet and learn to work with yours. You may already find yourself drawn to a particular animal; this could well be how they are making themselves known to you. If your totem animal is one which appears below then to learn more about your power animal/creature and to help strengthen your connection and aid
Alpaca - Ant - Armadillo - Bat - Bear - Black Panther -Buffalo - Butterfly
Power Animal Empowerment: A power animal is an important
White Buffalo Woman Initiation: Learn about the White Buffalo Woman and follow the initiation instructions, smudging ceremony and meditation to work with her and to bring her blessings and guidance into your life.